Operating Experience Summaries

The Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security (EHSS) publishes Operating Experience Summaries (OES) to inform and support DOE facilities and organizations with beneficial DOE or external operating experience-based information.  The OES is one of many products and tools provided by EHSS to support line organizations with tailoring the local implementation of their Operating Experience (OpEx) programs, as defined in DOE O 210.2A, DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program

Please contact Maria Dikeakos, Office of ES&H Reporting and Analysis (EHSS-23), with questions about the DOE Corporate OpEx Program, the Operating Experience Summaries on this page, or any feedback that can improve the effectiveness and quality of our products.

This Operating Experience Summary (OES) is a compilation of select ORPS data for Fiscal Years (FY) 2021 - 2024, enabling DOE line organizations and contractors to have transparency and visibility into operating experience information that can be used in the protection of worker health and safety and strong mission execution.
This Operating Experience Summary (OES) is an overview of various metrics and indicators of DOE-wide injury/illness performance for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 with comparisons to previous years' performance data.
This Operating Experience Summary (OES) provides information about suspect/counterfeit item (S/CI) operating experience products from FY 2004 to FY 2024. This OES highlights and summarizes the valuable recommendations, actions, and best practices provided over this time to aid S/CI Programs with potential opportunities for the DOE enterprise to improve program implementation and outcomes.
This Operating Experience Summary (OES) provides a compilation of various metrics for visibility into DOE-wide injury/illness performance for Fiscal Year 2023. For comparison, each table in this summary report includes previous years’ performance data.