-- This project is inactive --
General Atomics (GA), under the Thermal Storage FOA, is developing a high-density thermochemical heat storage system based on solid metal oxides.
Metal oxides that are capable of both thermal reduction and oxidation (redox) in air were identified via experimental measurements. GA set up preliminary process flowsheets to estimate the levelized cost of energy and storage cost associated with the identified oxides. Oxides with the best economic potential were selected for further process development.
GA studied the means to improve oxide redox kinetics and stability. Modeling was carried out to a) characterize the packed-bed behavior and b) establish a reactor design that provide the best system economics. GA also assessed other novel moving-bed reactor designs.
Fast redox was achieved via mixed metal oxides and the application of a rotary-kiln (moving-bed) reactor.
Solar energy is stored chemically in reduced solid oxides. Heat is released at a constant temperature. Air is used as both the heat-transfer fluid and the chemical reactants. Oxide systems can be tailored to match input heat temperature.
Publications, Patents, and Awards
- B. Wong, L. Brown, F. Schaube, R. Tamme, and C. Sattler, "Oxide Based Thermochemical Heat Storage," in Proceedings of 16th Annual Solar PACES Conference, Perpignan, France, September 21-24, 2010.
- R. Buckingham, B. Wong, L. Brown, C. Sattler, F. Schaube, and A. Woerner, "Metal Oxide Based Thermochemical Energy Storage for Concentrated Solar Power – Thermodynamics and Parasitic Loads for Packed Bed Reactors," in Proceedings of 17th Annual Solar PACES Conference, Granada, Spain, September 20-23, 2011.
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