RePower Bainbridge's Final Boarding Call Sets Sail for Success

All aboard" was RePower Bainbridge's figurative call to action in April 2013 for its "Final Boarding Call" event. The free, one-day event featured trade allies, lenders, utilities, and community organizations in one location to help homeowners complete home energy upgrades. An $800 special rebate offer was extended to those attendees who signed up to work with a RePower trade ally to complete two or more qualifying energy efficiency upgrade measures. Nearly 70% of the 400 attendees took RePower up on its offer.

A thumbnail image of the RePower Bainbridge "Boarding Call" graphic.

Click on the thumbnail to view the "Final Boarding Call" event results.

One attendee in particular found the event to be worth the trip. She pre-qualified for RePower Bainbridge's Whole House Energy Upgrade package for each of her six rental properties; connected with trade allies to schedule work; and received loan information from Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union.

Learn more about RePower Bainbridge's event.