Strengthening the Workforce in Better Buildings Neighborhoods (Text Version)

Below is a text version of the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program "Strengthening the Workforce in Better Buildings Neighborhoods" video.


[GRAPHIC: Saving energy, creating jobs, improving neighborhoods]

Gil Sperling, U.S. Department of Energy: Better Buildings is our signature initiative to help demonstrate ways to help families and businesses across America reduce their energy use. We know that most consumers know, building owners, homeowners know, that if they put in more insulation, if they use more efficient appliances, if they have more efficient windows, they can significantly reduce the amount of energy they use, maintain their comfort, and save money.

[GRAPHIC: More than 40 programs in 32 states]

Cynthia Adams, Program Manager Charlottesville, VA: This Better Buildings program has made a difference in our community by providing us with funding to really get started in a home performance industry. It's helped to create jobs for our contractors, it's provided them with training and other kinds of opportunities that they wouldn't have had without it.

[GRAPHIC: Building an industry to improve lives, neighborhoods, and the economy]

[GRAPHIC: Energy upgrade sales through March 2012 = $150 million]

Laura Fiori, Key Green Energy Solutions: Offering energy efficiency upgrades to homes like this I think is going to revolutionize the construction industry. Already in our area it's putting people back to work.

Dave Penzkover, Energy Advisor: This program is creating new careers for people such as myself. I have a background in sustainable development in architecture and now I'm really focusing in on energy advising and energy efficiency.

Danny Wood, EcoSmart Homes: We're hoping that this program will expand our industry and it becomes just as important as the standard remodeling companies or people adding a swimming pool. That home performance becomes a steadfast participant in the construction industry.

Danny Wood, EcoSmart Homes: So, this house we actually worked in many areas – crawl space, basement, doors and windows, attics, whole house fan. So, part of what we do is the whole house approach, we don't just sell a single measure and think that we've really improved a home.

[GRAPHIC: Supporting a Growing Workforce]

[GRAPHIC: Contractors performing work = 1,200+]

Cynthia Adams, Program Manager, Charlottesville, VA: The fact that we have rebate dollars, marketing dollars, and other things that come through the Better Buildings grant, provides us with an opportunity to make that transition easier for the contractors. So, for example, we have collateral materials that we can give them, yard signs, door hangers, and printed flyers that talk about the program.

Laura Fiori, Key Green Energy Solutions: As an energy professional, we receive specialized training in exactly what to look for in a home.

Josh Farris, Energy Professional: It's giving me the experience that I need in this field to know what I'm doing as a worker, it gives me new skills to be able to take to the future with me.

Cynthia Adams, Program Manager, Charlottesville, VA: We are seeing some great results in terms of contractors, bringing on new people, getting new people trained, and embarking on a different way of doing business.

Gil Sperling, U.S. Department of Energy: We're creating more comfort, we're saving money, we're going to create jobs, we're going to help protect the environment.


[GRAPHIC: The Better Buildings Neighborhood Program is a part of the national Better Buildings Initiative led by the U.S. Department of Energy.]