The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is authorized by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (as amended) to enforce compliance with the energy and water conservation standards established for certain consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment.
To ensure effective implementation of the current standards for covered appliances and equipment, DOE has published certification, compliance, and enforcement regulations for these products and equipment in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 10 CFR part 429. {Please note that the previous link is to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR), which is a version of the CFR updated daily. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR.}
These regulations describe how manufacturers must establish certified ratings based on testing a sample of units of a given basic model using the DOE test procedure and applying DOE's statistical sampling plans to assess compliance and determine permissible efficiency/consumption representations. The regulations also specify that manufacturers must submit certification reports to DOE and maintain records underlying the certification. Finally, the regulations describe processes for DOE-initiated testing and enforcing compliance with the certification provisions and the energy and water conservation standards.
DOE's activities in compliance and enforcement include the following:
DOE's compliance certification activities aim to ensure accurate and comprehensive information about the energy and water use characteristics of regulated products sold in the United States. Manufacturers of all covered products and equipment must submit a certification report before a basic model is distributed in commerce, annually thereafter, and if the basic model is designed in such a manner to increase the consumption or decrease the efficiency of the basic model such that the certified rating is no longer supported by the test data. Certification reports provide DOE with comprehensive, up-to-date efficiency information and essential to effective enforcement of the energy conservation standards.
eeCompass is a resource to help consumers make informed decisions when selecting products in order to save energy and money. eeCompass has easy-to-use tools that allow consumers to research, evaluate and compare covered products by brand and model, along with a number of other performance attributes.
Certification Reporting System (CCMS)
Each basic model (a group of models that differ in non-energy-related characteristics like color) of a covered product and equipment must be certified using DOE's online certification tool, the Compliance Certification Management System (CCMS), and DOE's preformatted, standardized, product-specific, Excel certification report templates. CCMS allows U.S. manufacturers, as well as importers and third-party representatives, to create, submit, and track their certification reports. CCMS allows DOE to review and assess compliance and certification information effectively and efficiently.
Compliance Certification Database
The Compliance Certification Database houses certification reports and compliance statements submitted by manufacturers for covered products and equipment subject to Federal conservation standards. The database offers users an easy-to-use search function for current records displayed in easy-to-sort online reports. There is also a search-by-model function. Downloads to Excel provide additional information for many products.
DOE’s Office of Enforcement within the General Counsel's Office engages in compliance and enforcement efforts to ensure products sold in the U.S. meet the energy and water conservation standards. Enforcing energy conservation standards saves energy and money for American consumers and businesses and ensures fair competition from foreign manufacturers. The Office engages in outreach, answering questions for manufacturers to help avoid compliance problems and providing training for manufacturers in areas of concern. Information regarding enforcement activities is available on the enforcement office web site.
To file a complaint about DOE-regulated products and equipment, send an email to [email protected].
DOE has developed standardized templates for recording test results from DOE testing. Manufacturer test facilities and commercial test facilities are welcome to download and use these templates. The templates reflect the types of information that DOE considers necessary to document testing conducted in compliance with the DOE test procedure.
DOE has published a Federal Register Final Rule that establishes and amends the certification provisions, labeling requirements, and enforcement provisions for specific types of consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment. DOE is establishing and making amendments to the certification requirements, labeling requirements, and enforcement provisions for these products and equipment to ensure reporting that is consistent with currently applicable energy conservation standards and test procedures and to ensure DOE has the information necessary to determine the appropriate classification of products for the application of standards. This rule establishes new and amended certification and labeling requirements.
- The effective date of the new and amended certification and labeling requirements established by this rule is December 23, 2024.
- For products or equipment for which this rule establishes the initial certification regulations for certifying compliance with new or amended standards, manufacturers must submit the initial certification report for basic models distributed in commerce beginning May 7, 2025.
- For basic models with existing certification regulations, the amendments to the reporting requirements for certifying compliance with existing standards will be mandatory beginning with the annual certification report submitted on or after May 7, 2025.
- Docket No. EERE-2023-BT-CE-0001 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents.
DOE proposed to revise existing enforcement regulations for certain consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment covered under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, as amended (EPCA). The proposal, if adopted, would provide the regulated industry with further clarity and transparency about DOE's enforcement process, including enforcement sampling procedures and test notice requirements. The proposal provides for a process to petition DOE for reexamination of a pending determination of noncompliance. Ultimately, the proposal will further align DOE's regulations with its statutory authority, foster communication between DOE and the regulated industry, and promote the effective and systematic enforcement of DOE's regulations.
Past Rulemakings
Certification, Compliance, and Enforcement Rulemakings
Certification Requirements, Labeling Requirements, and Enforcement Provisions for Consumer Products and Commercial Equipment
Docket No. EERE-2023-BT-CE-0001 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Federal Register, 88 FR 67458 (September 29, 2023)
Certification for Ceiling Fan Light Kits, General Service Incandescent Lamps, Incandescent Reflector Lamps, Ceiling Fans, Consumer Furnaces and Boilers, Consumer Water Heaters, Dishwashers, and Commercial Clothes Washers, Battery Chargers, and Dedicated-Purpose Pool Pumps
Docket No. EERE-2012-BT-STD-0045 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents
- Final Rule, Federal Register, 87 FR 43952 (July 22, 2022)
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Federal Register, 86 FR 43120 (August 6, 2021)
Certification Reports, Compliance Statements, Application for a Test Procedure Waiver, and Recordkeeping for Consumer Products and Commercial/Industrial Equipment
Docket No. EERE-2020-BT-CRT-0018 contains all notice, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents
- Information Collection Extension, Federal Register, 85 FR 74713 (November 23, 2020)
Enforcement for Consumer Products and Commercial and Industrial Equipment
Docket No. EERE-2019-BT-CE-0015 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents
- Comment Period Extension and Announcement of Public Meeting, Federal Register, 85 FR 67464 (October 23, 2020)
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Federal Register, 85 FR 53691 (August 31, 2020)
Certification, Compliance, Labeling and Enforcement for Electric Motors and Small Electric Motors
Docket No. EERE-2014-BT-CE-0019 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Federal Register, 81 FR 41377 (June 24, 2016)
Compliance, Certification, & Enforcement 2010-2012
Docket No. EERE-2010-BT-CE-0014 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents
- Final Rule, Federal Register, 76 FR 12422 (March 7, 2011)
- Final Rule: Technical Correction, Federal Register, 76 FR 24762 (May 2, 2011)
- Correction, Federal Register, 76 FR 46202 (August 2, 2011)
Docket No. EERE-2011-BT-CE-0050 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents related to delaying the compliance date for walk-in coolers and freezers and metal halide lamp ballasts and fixtures
- Final Rule, Federal Register, 76 FR 65362 (October 21, 2011)
Docket No. EERE-2012-BT-CE-0048 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents related to delaying the compliance date for commercial HVAC, refrigeration and water heating equipment
- Final Rule, Federal Register, 77 FR 76825 (December 31, 2012)
Alternative Efficiency Determination Methods and Alternate Rating Methods
Docket No. EERE-2011-BT-TP-0024 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents
- Final Rule: AEDMs and delayed compliance dates for commercial HVAC, refrigeration and water heating equipment; Federal Register, 78 FR 79579 (December, 31, 2013)
- Final Rule: AEDMs for walk-in coolers and freezers; Federal Register, 79 FR 27387 (May 13, 2014)
- Final Rule: AEDM verification for commercial HVAC, refrigeration and water heating equipment; Federal Register, 80 FR 144 (January 5, 2015)
Certification of Commercial and Industrial HVAC, Refrigeration and Water Heating Equipment
Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-NOC-0023 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents
- Final Rule, Federal Register, 79 FR 25486 (May 5, 2014)
Regional Standards Enforcement – Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
Docket No. EERE-2011-BT-CE-0077 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents
- Final Rule, Federal Register, 81 FR 45387 (July 14, 2016)
For more information concerning implementation, certification, and enforcement please email:
- The effective date of the new and amended certification and labeling requirements established by this rule is December 23, 2024.
Public Meetings and Comment Deadlines >>