Fernald, Former Production Workers Screening Projects

Project Name: Worker Health Protection Program
Covered DOE Site: Fernald
Worker Population Served: Production Workers
Principal Investigator: Steven Markowitz, MD
Toll-free Telephone: (888) 241-1199
Local Coordinators: Mooch Calloway
Andrew Breiten
Website: http://www.worker-health.org/

This program is conducted by Queens College of the City University of New York.  Free of charge, eligible former workers who began work after 1986 are provided detailed occupational health screenings and may return for re-screen examinations every three years.  This program also offers low-dose CT scans for early lung cancer detection, on an annual basis, to a subset of workers who have an elevated risk of lung cancer as a result of a combination of occupational exposures, age, health history and tobacco use.