Independent Oversight Review, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – September 2013

Review of the Fire Protection Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Office of Enterprise Assessments

October 2, 2013
minute read time

September 2013

Review of the Fire Protection Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

This report documents the results of an independent oversight review of the fire protection program at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  The review was performed June 10-21, 2013, by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Safety and Emergency Management Evaluations, which is within the DOE Office of Health, Safety and Security.  The review was one part of a targeted assessment of fire protection at nuclear facilities across the DOE complex, including National Nuclear Security Administration sites. 

The purpose of the Independent Oversight targeted assessment was to evaluate implementation of program requirements that are intended to ensure that adequate controls have been implemented to reduce the risk associated with events resulting from a fire or explosion at nuclear facilities.