Follow-up Review of Implementation Verification Reviews at the Savannah River National Laboratory Savannah River Site
Office of Enterprise Assessments
January 26, 2012January 2012
Follow-up Review of Implementation Verification Reviews at the Savannah River National Laboratory Savannah River Site
This report provides the results of an independent review of the identification and implementation of safety basis hazard controls associated with “flashing spray release” events at the Savannah River Site's Savannah River National Laboratory. The review was performed October 17-27, 2011, by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Safety and Emergency Management Evaluations, which is within the DOE Office of Health, Safety and Security. This review was conducted to follow-up on questions that were identified during the conduct of an Independent Oversight implementation verification review of the DOE Savannah River Operations Office and contractor during June and July 2011.