Site Visit Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - March 2010

Review of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Identified Defective Department of Transportation Hazardous Material Packages

Office of Enterprise Assessments

March 25, 2010
minute read time

March 2010

Review of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Identified Defective Department of Transportation Hazardous Material Packages

This site visit report documents the results of the Office of Health, Safety and Security’s review of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's identification, immediate actions, communications, documentation, evaluation, reporting and follow-up to the discovery of defective Department of Transportation steel drums intended for storage and transportation of hazardous waste and materials.  The review, conducted January 26-29, 2010, was sponsored by the Department of Energy's Livermore Site Office to support interface with the laboratory and is intended to support follow-up and closure of the Occurrence Reporting and Processing System report of the discovery of the defective drums.