Preliminary Notice of Violation, Washington Group International - EA-2003-07

Issued to Washington Group International related to Falsification of Records and Procurement Deficiencies at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory,

Office of Enterprise Assessments

October 23, 2003
minute read time

October 23, 2003

Issued to Washington Group International related to Falsification of Records and Procurement Deficiencies at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory

On October 23, 2003, the U.S. Department of Energy issued a Preliminary Notice of Violation (EA-2003-07) to Washington Group International (WGI) for violations of 10 C.F.R. 830 associated with the falsification of quality control inspection records pertaining to the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project Supercompactor Glovebox Suite at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory by a supplier to WGI.

  • Nuclear Security & Safety