Technical experts from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy, DOE’s national laboratories, and other partnering organizations, provide support to assist federally recognized Indian Tribes, including Alaska Native regional corporations and village corporations, and Tribal entities with energy planning, energy efficiency assessments, resource assessments, project planning, and building codes and utility formation activities.
The goal of the technical assistance is to address a specific challenge or fulfill a need that is essential to successful project implementation. The intended result of this technical assistance is a tangible product or specific deliverable designed to help move a project forward. The Office of Indian Energy sponsors technical assistance efforts at no-cost to Indian Tribes and Tribal entities.
Each request will be evaluated based on the requested scope and available budget. Note that information in addition to the request form may be needed to better evaluate a request. Such information may include items such as past energy audits or engineering designs, for example.
This non-competitive technical assistance is not intended to compete with industry by performing activities typically performed by consultants or contractors (e.g., engineering design work, legal services or advice, hardware procurement), nor is it intended to provide skills or job training or to field general inquiries. The intent of the technical assistance is to provide a deliverable that can be used to supplement and inform a grant application or address a specific project-related challenge. Due to the competitive nature of the grant process, technical assistance to prepare the grant application will not be provided.
For general information or inquiries, please contact our Help Desk.
View other technical assistance and a list of completed technical assistance.
On This Page:
The following Tribal entities are eligible for on-request technical assistance:
- Federally recognized Indian Tribes, including Alaska Native regional and village corporations (hereafter referred to as Tribes)
- Tribal entities, such as Tribal energy development organizations, intertribal organizations, and other organized Tribal groups.
Current projects co-funded by DOE Office of Indian Energy grants receive the highest priority. Priority will also be given to Tribes or Tribal entities that have previously submitted grant applications, but have not yet received awards.
Types of On-Request Technical Assistance
Energy planning technical assistance provides the foundation for transitioning a community to clean energy. There are four discrete options for planning designed to assist Tribal leaders and staff in understanding their resources, identifying their energy options, and developing a viable roadmap for the successful completion of a project.
- Energy Vision
The development of an energy vision is the foundation of a strategic energy plan. This technical assistance will include helping the community develop an energy vision and identifying long-term and short-term energy goals.
- Energy Options Analysis
Energy options analysis assistance will provide site-specific resource information including energy efficiency measure and renewable energy generation so that the Tribe or Tribal entity can make informed decisions on future energy development.
- Project Prioritization
Project prioritization technical assistance will help prioritize projects, informing an energy strategy moving forward.
- Energy Resilience Planning
Energy resilience planning aids in determining critical loads for the community and helps with clean energy project sizing to provide energy resilience.
- Energy Vision
Community efficiency technical assistance is designed to quantify current energy usage and potential efficiencies and cost savings. Examples of this type of technical assistance include:
- Building Efficiency Assessments
This type of technical assistance will help categorize and assess the energy use of Tribal buildings and homes and identify options for increased efficiency and cost savings. This assistance is not intended to result in an investment-grade energy audit.
- Process Efficiencies
Process efficiencies may include an assessment of heat use in a tribal building or community and/or a pre-feasibility study of other heating options such as waste heat recovery, air source heat pumps and thermal electric storage systems. It may also include an assessment of the energy used in water and sanitation processes and identify opportunities for increased efficiency and/or renewable energy options.
- Building Efficiency Assessments
Resource assessment technical assistance provides an initial review of which renewable energy resources are available and viable to meet the community’s goals and needs. The assessment may include, but is not limited to, information on solar, wind, biomass, hydropower and geothermal resources. Another valuable resource to assess renewable energy potential is the Tribal Energy Atlas, an interactive mapping tool that provides data to conduct energy related analyses on Tribal lands.
Project planning support is provided through expert guidance and analysis to help address specific barriers Tribes and Tribal entities face while developing a clean energy project. Examples of this type of technical assistance may include, but is not limited to:
- Modeling and Analysis
Modeling and analysis technical assistance can include microgrid modeling and assessment, renewable energy resource generation modeling for a specific clean energy project, and building modeling for energy use and savings.
- Third-party Independent Reviews
Third-party independent reviews may include an objective assessment of existing reports, studies, financing structures, proposals, and other clean energy project documents.
- Technology Options Assessment
Technology options assistance will compare technology options to meet the community needs. This assistance is provided by subject matter experts with significant real-world experience with clean energy technology and associated deployment.
- Economic Analysis
Economic analysis assistance will provide economic assessment of a specific project, including financial modeling to calculate payback periods, net present values (NPV), and levelized cost of energy (LCOE).
- Other Project Specific Assessments
Other project specific assessments are intended to address project challenges and barriers and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Modeling and Analysis
This type of technical assistance provides information and guidance on governance items relative to project development. Examples of this type of technical assistance may include:
- Building Code Development
Building code development technical assistance is intended to aid Tribes in creating building codes to meet specific tribal goals (e.g., Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction, energy efficiency, resiliency). Building codes are based on industry standards and best practices and can be tailored to the needs of individual Tribes.
- Utility Formation Assessments
Utility formation pre-feasibility assessments may provide preliminary information on Tribal utility formation activities, which may include an assessment of current electricity providers, marketing options, utility structures, governance (policies and tariffs), and jurisdictional considerations.
- Building Code Development
Request Technical Assistance
Thank you for your interest in requesting Office of Indian Energy technical assistance! Please read the certification below, and if you agree, proceed by clicking the box below, providing the requested information, and sending the email.
By submitting a technical assistance request, you are agreeing that:
- You, as the requestor, have the authority to request assistance on behalf of the eligible Tribe or Tribal entity.
- The request applies specifically to advancing a Tribal energy goal or a clean energy project.
- A designated Tribal contact will be available and responsive to DOE’s and/or its technical assistance provider’s requests.
- The designated Tribal representative will be available to participate on a call to discuss the scope of the assistance.
- The designated Tribal representative will provide any additional information (e.g., energy usage data) requested in a timely manner.
If you are having any issues with applying for technical assistance, please email [email protected] directly.