Issued to CH2M-Washington Group Idaho, LLC, related to Radiation Protection Program Deficiencies at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex - Accelerated Retrieval Project at the Idaho National Laboratory
Office of Enterprise Assessments
June 14, 2007June 14, 2007
Issued to CH2M-Washington Group Idaho, LLC, related to Radiation Protection Program Deficiencies at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex - Accelerated Retrieval Project at the Idaho National Laboratory
On June 14,2007, the U.S. Department of Energy issued a Preliminary Notice of Violation (EA-2007-03) to CH2M-Washington Group Idaho, LLC for violations of 10 C.F.R. Parts 830 and 835 related to inadequate radiological surveys and work practices, and inadequate management assessments of the radiation protection program at the Accelerated Retrieval Project at the Idaho National Laboratory.