Preliminary Notice of Violation, BWXT Idaho, LLC - EA-2002-02

Issued to BWXT Idaho, LLC, related to Work Process Violations and Quality Issues at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex and Advanced Test Reactor at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory

Office of Enterprise Assessments

June 13, 2002
minute read time

June 12, 2002

Issued to BWXT Idaho, LLC, related to Work Process Violations and Quality Issues at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex and Advanced Test Reactor at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laborator

On June 12, 2001, the U.S. Department of Energy issued a Preliminary Notice of Violation (EA-2002-02) to Bechtel BWXT Idaho for violations of 10 C.F.R. 830 associated with work process deficiencies related to a drum venting activity and a lockout/tagout activity conducted in preparation for changing an Experimental Loop coolant pump at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.

  • Nuclear Security & Safety