The Office of Budget (CF-30) plans, formulates, analyzes, executes, evaluates, and defends the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Budget.
The Office of Budget is comprised of four subcomponents:
- Office of Budget Formulation (CF-31)
- Office of Budget Operations and Execution (CF-32)
- Office of Strategic Resources (CF-33)
- Office of External Coordination for Appropriations (CF-34)
- Serves as the Departmental negotiator with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the DOE Budget.
- Leads decision management and overall coordination for DOE’s Budget to include:
- Overall planning and implementation for budget formulation, analysis, execution, and evaluation;
- Supports development and management of the Department’s Strategic Plan, and associated evaluation of progress of goals;
- Specialized analysis and prioritization of Departmental resources for the Future-Years Energy Program (FYEP) and other strategic analysis of budget resources;
- External engagement with Congressional Committees on Appropriations for matters related to the DOE Budget; and
- Coordination with CF-40 on budget-related financial management IT.