Office of Public Affairs


From advancing energy solutions, to ensuring the safety and security of our nation, to furthering science and innovation in America — the Office of Public Affairs works to connect the American public directly to the U.S. Department of Energy, every day. We help make government more accessible, transparent, and relevant to everyday life.


Areas of Focus

  • Media screen

    Media Relations

    The Office of Public Affairs works with national, state, local, and industry media to get timely, accurate information out to the public on DOE's work and initiatives. Media inquiries can be sent to [email protected]

  • Screengrab of the Clean Energy 101: Rebates vs. Tax credits video on DOE's YouTube. A dog and cat sit in a piggy bank hot air balloon in front of a house, with the title of the video written out behind them.

    Digital Outreach

    The Office of Public Affairs works to make the Department's initiatives and resources more directly accessible and transparent to the American public. Through a variety of digital channels and platforms, we strive to meet people where they're at with the information they need.

  • Stakeholder Meeting

    Stakeholder Engagement

    The Office of Public Affairs supports engagement with partners and stakeholders across our mission areas to better serve the needs of the American people.


  • Emily Rossi
    Senior Advisor and Assistant Director of Digital Strategy

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