Department of Energy Oversight Policy

Quality inspector measuring products made by CNC machine operator

DOE communicates Departmental requirements for federal oversight of contractors through two directives: DOE Policy 226.2, Policy for Federal Oversight and Contractor Assurance Systems (DOE P 226.2) and DOE Order 226.1B, Implementation of Department of Energy Oversight Policy (DOE O 226.1B).  DOE P 226.2 establishes the Department’s expectations for federal oversight, leveraging contractors’ performance data to inform necessary federal oversight activities.  DOE O 226.1B outlines specific requirements for contractors to implement effective Contractor Assurance Systems (CAS) that provide assurance to DOE that contractors’ work is conducted safely and securely, risks are effectively managed, and internal controls function efficiently.  

Through CAS, DOE gains critical insights into contractor performance for multiple functions, including safety and health, safeguards and security, cyber security, environment, quality, and business and finance. The information in the CAS enables DOE to take a risk-based, tailored approach to oversight. 


Tina Fehringer