Test bed is needed to supply critical testing infrastructure for microreactor technologies.
October 8, 2024Test Bed Needed to Supply Critical Testing Infrastructure for Microreactor Technologies
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today released a draft environmental assessment analyzing the potential environmental impacts associated with operating the Demonstration of Microreactor Experiments (DOME) test bed at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). DOE is inviting the public to comment on the proposed action now through November 7, 2024.
DOME is one of two new test beds being developed at INL to accelerate testing and commercialization of new advanced reactors. The facility will offer vital testing infrastructure and expertise to help private industry advance their microreactor designs.
“The United States is fortunate to have some of the best nuclear developers designing advanced reactors that will expand access to clean, reliable energy to communities across the nation” said Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Dr. Mike Goff. “DOME will help derisk these first-of-a-kind nuclear technologies by providing a safe, reliable, and affordable location to demonstrate reactor technologies.”
Microreactors are compact nuclear reactors typically capable of producing 1 to 20 megawatts of energy that could be used directly as heat or converted to electric power. They are the right size to power independent microgrids, restore power in emergency situations, or supply energy to remote communities that currently rely on diesel generators.
DOME will host microreactor experiments generating up to 20 megawatts of thermal energy. DOME will support testing of multiple reactors one experiment at a time approximately every 24 months.
The test bed will also repurpose the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II containment structure at INL, lessening the environmental footprint, saving companies money in the testing process, and reducing overall project risk.
The draft environmental assessment details the review and analysis of alternatives DOE considered for the DOME test bed based on the National Environmental Policy Act. DOE anticipates that the operation of DOME will have no significant environmental or human health impacts. Comments can be sent by mail or email now through November 7, 2024, to the following addresses:
Mail: Steven Markovich
U.S. Department of Energy
Idaho Operations Office
1955 Fremont Avenue
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415-1235
Email: [email protected]
Learn more about NRIC and the DOME test bed at nric.inl.gov.