Office of Science Selections from Funding Opportunity Announcements for the week of August 28, 2024
August 28, 2024$1.3M for Research on General Plasma Science Collaborative Research Facilities
This funding will carry out frontier-level plasma science research on one or more of the Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) General Plasma Science (GPS) Program-supported collaborative research facilities (CRFs). The focus is on new, one-time, short-term, small “seed” funding for external collaborations with the CRFs and to increase participation at and productivity of these facilities. Through the support of this research, the FES GPS Program plays a key role in training the next generation of plasma scientists and engineers.
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Research in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering
This funding will provide frontier-level research opportunities leading to significant advances in the fundamental understanding of basic plasma science and engineering. Proposals focus on dynamical processes in laboratory, space, and astrophysical plasma, such as magnetic reconnection, plasma dynamo, shocks, turbulence cascade, structures, waves, flows and their interactions; behavior of dusty plasma, non-neutral, single-component matter or antimatter plasma, and ultra-cold neutral plasma; and plasma chemistry and processes in low temperature plasma, interfacial plasma, and interaction of plasma with materials and/or biomaterials.
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Research on Computational Materials Science
Research efforts for these awards will develop advanced open-source community software and databases. Solicited topics were computational discovery and design of functional materials with unique physical properties; and computational modeling of emergent and ordered magnetic, superconducting, and/or ferroelectric phases, including their dynamics. A key aim of the current projects is to take full advantage of the nation’s most advanced computers. Funding will provide a bridge to perform fundamental and exploratory research at so-called “exascale” machines recently deployed at DOE national laboratories.
Integrated Biological and Computational Low Dose Radiation Research
Supports research to develop a disease risk prediction and, in the longer term, inform radiation protection measures for the public and the workplace. This funding will take advantage of recent developments in experimental and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies to understand changes in cellular metabolism due to low dose radiation exposure. The initial projects will develop a series of highly curated experimental datasets across a range of cell types to assess changes in cell function due to low dose radiation exposure. These datasets will serve as training data for a burgeoning AI/ML modeling capability for low dose radiation research.
View the Funding Opportunity Announcement
Supporting Energy-Relevant Research in Underrepresented Regions of America
These awards provide funding to 19 states via the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), working to ensure that scientific funding goes to states and territories that have typically received smaller fractions of federal research dollars in the past. The grants connect innovative ideas from scientists at eligible institutions with leading-edge capabilities at the DOE national laboratories.
View the Funding Opportunity Announcement
See a full list of Office of Science Topical Funding Opportunity Awards