Product Efficiency and Technology Integration Curriculum

This curriculum offers courses that encompass various energy-efficient technology and equipment solutions, including building automation systems, maintenance management systems, optimal building performance strategies, advanced lighting systems, and emerging technologies.

Energy Technology Efficiency
TitleLevelLengthCEUsFBPTA Alignment
Advanced Lighting Systems: An Overview Introductory1.5 hours0.202.2.1
Computer Server Selection Guidelines for Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization in Data CentersIntroductory1.5 hours0.2 
Computer Server Selection Guidelines for Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization in Data CentersIntroductory1.5 hours0.2 
Sustainable Acquisition for Federal AgenciesIntroductory2 hours0.20 
System-Level Tools for Identifying and Quantifying Carbon Reduction Opportunities in Data CentersIntroductory1.5 hours0.2 
Adopting Energy-Efficient Lighting in an Evolving MarketIntermediate1 hour0.2 
Advanced Exterior Lighting SystemsIntermediate2 hours0.20 
Advanced HVAC TechnologiesIntermediate1.5 hours0.201.1.1, 2.2.1, 3.3.1, 4.1.1
Advanced Interior Lighting SystemsIntermediate2 hours0.202.2.1
Combined Heat and Power: An Integrated Approach to Energy ResourcesIntermediate1.5 hours0.203.1.3, 4.1.1
Data Center Energy Efficiency: IT Equipment and Software Efficiency Intermediate1 hour0.10 
Operations and Maintenance for Optimal Photovoltaic System Performance Intermediate5 hours0.504.1.2
Tracking Data Center Efficiency: What PUE Can Say and Where We Can Look To Better Understand Energy Performance Intermediate1.5 hours0.2 
Realizing the Potential of Underutilized ECMs in ESPCsAdvanced3.5 hours0.40 

Supplemental Non-Accredited Courses: Adopting LED Technology: What Federal Facility Managers Need to Know


Indoor Air Quality and Environment and Health
TitleLevelLengthCEUsFBPTA Alignment
LED Design and Acquisition for BIE SchoolsIntermediate1 hour0.2 


Facility-Related Control Systems
TitleLevelLengthCEUsFBPTA Alignment
Leveraging Advanced Metering Data to Improve Energy Operations and ReportingIntermediate1.25 hours0.22.5, 4.1, 12.1


Renewable Energy Technologies and Procurement
TitleLevelLengthCEUsFBPTA Alignment
Planning, Procuring and Managing Solar PV Systems for Long-term Performance: Improving Performance and Reducing O&M Cost for Photovoltaic SystemsIntermediate1 hour0.2 
Planning, Procuring and Managing Solar PV Systems for Long-term Performance: Planning a New Solar PV Acquisition – Key Steps & Considerations to Safety, Longevity, and PerformanceIntermediate1 hour0.2