PSH-24-0057 - In the Matter of Personnel Security Hearing

Access Authorization Not Restored; Guideline F (Financial Considerations)

Office of Hearings and Appeals

May 9, 2024
minute read time

On May 9, 2024, an Administrative Judge determined that the Individual's access authorization should not be restored under 10 C.F.R. Part 710. The Individual is employed by a DOE Contractor in a position that requires him to hold a security clearance. The Individual self -reported several delinquent debts to the Local Security Office (LSO). After further investigation, the LSO alleged that the Individual failed to file his federal and state income taxes for tax years 2020 through 2022, the Individual was delinquent on four consumer debts on which he owed a cumulative $63,586, and that gambling contributed to the Individual's financial problems. 

At the hearing, the Individual provided evidence that he had filed his outstanding federal and state tax returns, however, he owed approximately $25,000 to the IRS and had not entered into a payment plan . The Individual also provided testimony that, in the time since he first reported his delinquent debts, he had not made payments or contacted the creditors. The Individual further testified that he no longer gambles with his own funds and currently seeks counseling to help manage his anxiety. The Administration Judge found that the Individual had not mitigated the Guideline F concerns and, accordingly, concluded that Individual's access authorization should not be restored. (OHA Case No . PSH-24-0057, Balzon) 

PSH-24-0057.pdf (173.23 KB)