To ensure the reliable and secure operation of clean energy resources connected to the electric grid, interconnection standards need to address inverter-based generator capabilities, expected performance, cybersecurity requirements, and other relevant issues. Some of these standards, such as Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)-2800, have been developed, but still need to be widely adopted and implemented. Other standards, as well as procedures for assessing and verifying plant conformity with them, have yet to be developed.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) Forum for the Implementation of Reliability Standards for Transmission (FIRST) facilitates the adoption of new and recently updated standards relevant for interconnected clean energy resources like solar and wind energy. The Forum convenes industry stakeholders to enable easier and more harmonized implementation of these interconnection standards.
i2X FIRST addresses the solutions related to interconnection standards (4.2 to 4.9) identified in the DOE Transmission Interconnection Roadmap. i2X FIRST covers practices outlined in the draft of IEEE P2800.2 and best practices from early adopters of the IEEE 2800 standard. Additionally, ongoing North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard revision efforts related to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order 901 are discussed to ensure alignment with IEEE 2800 adoption. Feedback gained through i2X FIRST will help shape new standards development processes.
The Forum is a series of monthly, interactive, virtual meetings comprised of expert presentations and industry discussions. Each meeting, focused on a specific technical aspect of the standards, addresses the rationale behind the requirements, technology readiness, best practices for conformity assessment and monitoring, and technical challenges and implementation gaps.
The presentation portion of each virtual meeting is recorded and will be shared along with presentation slides and a summary of each meeting that captures the recommended practices, as well as challenges and gaps that require future work. Download the summary notes from all the meetings to date and view all materials from past events below.
Technical Topics
The technical topics covered in the i2X FIRST series include:
- IEEE2800 Ride Through Requirements (i.e. voltage, frequency, phase jump, consecutive ride through)
- IEEE2800 Measurement and Monitoring Requirements
- IEEE2800 Modeling Requirements
- Frequency Support Requirements
- Voltage support/Reactive Support Requirements
- Changing system conditions and technologies (e.g. grid forming inverters)
Who Should Attend
i2X FIRST applies to independent system operators, regional transmission operators, utility staff, generator developers and owners/operators, consultants, and original equipment manufacturers interested in advancing the implementation of interconnection standards.
The Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) are partners in i2X FIRST.
Upcoming i2X FIRST Events
Register here for all future i2X FIRST meetings and view summaries, recordings, and slides from past events below.
January 28, 2025 | 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. ET | Virtual
- Agenda
- Meeting Introduction: Julia Matevosyan, ESIG
- Nighttime Reactive Power Support from Solar Inverters: Aminul Haque, EPRI
- Communication of Capability and Status of Online IBRs at 0 MW Output: Alex Lee, ERCOT
- Reactive Power – Voltage Control Requirements, Developer's Perspective: Divya Kurthakoti Chandrashekhara, Orsted
- Q&A and Structured Discussion: Led by Julia Matevosyan, ESIG
February 25, 2025 | 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. ET | Virtual
March 20, 2025 | Hybrid full day event during ESIG Spring Workshop | Austin, Texas
Download the summary notes for all meetings to date.
Reactive Power—Voltage Control Requirements | December 17, 2024
This meeting discussed reactive power voltage control requirements, specifically focusing on standards outlined in clause five of 2800-2022 from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Watch a recording of the webinar and download the slide deck.
Active-Power—Frequency Response Requirements | November 26, 2024
This meeting discussed active power frequency response requirements, specifically focusing on standards outlined in clause six of 2800-2022 from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Watch a recording of the webinar and download the slide deck.
Conformity Assessment | October 24, 2024
This event focused on conformity assessment with applicable interconnection requirements, specifically learning from the draft IEEE P2800.2. Download the slide deck. View session recordings:
- Session 1: Opening Remarks and Background Information
- Session 2: IBR Plant Modelling and IEEE P2800.2 Design Evaluation
- Session 3: Model Validation
- Session 4: “As-Built” Evaluation and Commissioning Testing
Measurement Data for Performance Monitoring and Model Validation |September 24, 2024
This meeting focused on interconnection measurement data, with discussions and presentations on IEEE 2800-2022 Clause 11 and NERC Protection and Control (PRC)-028, the need for disturbance monitoring, and an update from the NERC technical conference. Watch a recording of the webinar and download the slide deck.
Ride-Through Requirements and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Readiness - Continued | August 20, 2024
This meeting continued the focus on manufacturer readiness to conform with new inverter-based resource (IBR) ride through requirements, specifically those outlined in IEEE 2800-2022 Clause 7. It included presentations from ESIG, GE Vernova, Sungrow, and NERC, as well as a Q&A and interactive group discussion. Watch a recording of the webinar (video continues through technical difficulties/choppy portions) and download the slide deck.
Ride-Through Requirements and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Readiness | July 30, 2024
This meeting focused on manufacturer readiness to conform with new inverter-based resource (IBR) ride through requirements, specifically those outlined in IEEE 2800-2022 Clause 7. It included a Q&A and group discussion on backward-compatibility and conformity of IBR plants with new ride through requirements and presentations on OEM perspectives. Watch a recording of the webinar and download the slide deck.
IEEE2800 Ride Through Requirements |June 25, 2024
This meeting centered on IEEE2800 Ride Through Requirements (e.g., voltage, frequency, phase jump, consecutive ride through) including the purpose of requirements, meaning, implementation, conformity assessment during interconnection process and commissioning (elements of IEEE2800.2), post commissioning assessment (elements of IEEE2800.2), challenges faced and lessons learned from early adopters, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) readiness, and NERC Protection and Control (PRC)-024/029 alignment. Watch a recording of the webinar and download the slide deck.
Introduction of Evolving Standards Landscape | May 28, 2024
This meeting discussed interconnection-related standards and how they are evolving. Topics discussed were NERC disturbance events, IEEE2800 and its adoption, IEEE2800.2 development, FERC Order 901 and the required NERC Work Plan, and ongoing NERC standard development efforts. The presenters were Julia Matevosyan (ESIG), Will Gorman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and Jens Boemer (EPRI). Watch a recording of the webinar and download the slide deck.