
EM Employees, Teams Win Big With Eight of Secretary’s Honor Awards

EM racked up eight of the Secretary’s Honor Awards for 2023, with DOE recognizing two employees at the Savannah River Site (SRS) for excellence and six teams from the Idaho, Hanford, Portsmouth and Oak Ridge sites for achievements.

Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office

February 13, 2024
minute read time
Collage of awards winner with the U.S. Secretary of Energy

At top left, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm presents the Secretary of Energy Excellence Award to Cynthia T. Strowbridge; at top right, Granholm hands the Secretary of Energy Excellence Award to Bruce Martin. Both Strowbridge and Martin work in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management at the Savannah River Site. Pictured in the photo immediately above, from left, are EM Senior Advisor William “Ike” White, Strowbridge, Martin, EM Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Jeff Avery and DOE-Savannah River Operations Office Manager Mike Budney.

Additional EM employee was honored for past role in DOE Office of Legacy Management team

WASHINGTON, D.C.EM racked up eight of the Secretary’s Honor Awards for 2023, with DOE recognizing two employees at the Savannah River Site (SRS) for excellence and six teams from the Idaho, Hanford, Portsmouth and Oak Ridge sites for achievements.

The EM wins are among 67 Honor Awards for last year. The Department bestowed 53 teams with the Secretary of Energy Achievement Award and 14 individuals with the Secretary of Energy Excellence Award.

The Honor Awards are the highest form of internal recognition an employee or contractor can receive from the Department. The awards recognize those who display a high level of performance and leadership in their dedication to public service.

Portsmouth Site X-326 Demolition Project Team

This Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office team was recognized for its extraordinary work to safely demolish the iconic Portsmouth X-326 Uranium Enrichment Process Building. Completed with zero accidents, ahead of schedule and under cost, the successful demolition of this building was a critical first step in advancing the cleanup of the Portsmouth Site and became a central unifying goal for the entire site. Not only did these efforts result in a profound change to the Portsmouth skyline, they demonstrated the Department’s commitment to safe and compliant cleanup of the Portsmouth Site to Southern Ohio communities.

  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • Careers
  • Federal Energy and Water Management Awards
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Decarbonization