
Hanford Mission Support Contractor Earns 72% of Available Fee in Fiscal Year 2023

EM’s Richland Operations Office awarded mission support contractor Hanford Mission Integration Solutions approximately $15.1 million in fee for work performed in fiscal year 2023.

Office of Environmental Management

January 16, 2024
minute read time

RICHLAND, Wash. — EM’s Richland Operations Office awarded mission support contractor Hanford Mission Integration Solutions (HMIS) approximately $15.1 million in fee for work performed in fiscal year 2023, which ended September 30, 2023. HMIS earned 35% of the subjective fee and 98% of the objective fee, for an overall award fee of about 72%.

According to the award fee determination scorecard, HMIS exceeded several award-fee criteria and met overall cost, schedule, and technical performance requirements of the contract.

Noteworthy accomplishments include the following:

  • Strong performance in site integration through the Hanford Site governance process.
  • The services and infrastructure activities and operations delivered by HMIS supported operational testing of the facilities and systems for the Direct-Feed Low-Activity Waste Program as well as supporting key risk-reduction cleanup projects across the site.
  • HMIS scored well for integrating and coordinating support activities for the cleanup mission (water, power, sewer, roads, fire, security, snow removal, and training) and met or exceeded 35 of 37 performance target levels.

Also noted in the scorecard, HMIS failed to effectively manage fire system maintenance personnel, work activities, and the associated costs. During the performance period, DOE was provided with evidence of numerous occasions when crews assigned to perform fire system maintenance were excessively idle and participated in nonwork-related activities due to ineffective work planning and unproductive work execution that went uncorrected by contractor management.

Other opportunities for improvement included:

  • Improving communication/coordination when services (e.g., water, fire systems) are taken out of service so facilities can mitigate for impacts to operations.
  • Improving fire apparatus pump, aerial and ground ladder testing to ensure equipment availability.

EM releases information relating to contractor fee payments — earned by completing the work called for in their contracts — to further transparency in its cleanup program.

View the HMIS fee determination scorecard here.

  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Federal Facility Optimization and Management
  • Clean Energy
  • Energy Security