Plenary presentations and breakout session summaries from the 3rd Annual Advanced Water Splitting (AWS) Technology Pathways Benchmarking and Protocols Workshop are now publicly available on the HydroGEN Data Hub.
HydroGEN Advanced Water Splitting Materials Consortium
April 5, 2021Plenary presentations and breakout session summaries from the 3rd Annual Advanced Water Splitting (AWS) Technology Pathways Benchmarking and Protocols Workshop are now publicly available on the HydroGEN Data Hub.
The third annual workshop for the HydroGEN AWS Technology Pathways Benchmarking and Protocols project was held virtually March 1-3 and March 8, 2021. The workshop included information sharing with international perspectives and overviews of new U.S. efforts as well as breakout sessions for strategic input and next steps.
The 2021 Water Splitting Technologies Benchmarking and Protocols Workshop dataset includes the following presentations.
- Welcome and Goals for the Workshop, Kathy Ayers, Nel Hydrogen
- DOE Vision for HydroGEN and Benchmarking, Katie Randolph, DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
- International Perspective: LTE, Sebastian Metz, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
- International Perspective: HTE, Julie Mougin, CEA, France
- International Perspective: PEC, Roel van de Krol, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
- International Perspective: STCH, Brendan Bulfin, Professorship of Renewable Energy Carriers, ETH Zurich
- HydroGEN 2.0: PEC, Francesca Toma, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- HydroGEN 2.0: STCH, Anthony McDaniel, Sandia National Laboratories
- H2NEW Overview: LTE, Bryan Pivovar, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and HTE, Richard Boardman, Idaho National Laboratory
- LTE Breakout Session Summary and Supplemental Information
- HTE Breakout Session Summary and Supplemental Information
- PEC Breakout Session Summary and Supplemental Information
- STCH Breakout Session Summary and Supplemental Information
For questions regarding test protocols, please contact the AWSM Benchmarking Project team member for the technology of interest.