Seneca Resources Company, LLC | FECM Docket No. 23-67-NG

Seneca Resources Company, LLC | FECM Docket No. 23-67-NG

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

August 31, 2023
minute read time

The Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management gives notice of receipt of an Application filed June 28, 2023 by Seneca Resources Company, LLC requesting long-term authorization to export natural gas to Canada in a volume amount up to a total of 45,000 MMBtu per day or approximately 240.40 Bcf on a cumulative basis for a period of about 15 years beginning on September 1, 2023. No Federal Register Notice will be issued.

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1. 06/29/2023  Seneca Resources Company, LLC  Application for Long-Term Authorization to Export Natural Gas to Canada 
2. 08/30/2023 U.S. Department of Energy Order Granting Long-Term Authorization to Export Natural Gas to Canada