Industry FOA Awardees - 2022

2022 (1st Round)

DOE awarded the following projects U.S. Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Development funding opportunities - 1st round of calendar year 2023 (application due date of October 11, 2022).

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Pathway I: First-Of-A-Kind Nuclear Demonstration Readiness Projects

Electric Power Research Institute Logo

Electric Power Research Institute Inc.

Charlotte, NC

Demonstration of Advanced Manufacturing to Enable an Alternative US Supply Chain for Small Modular Reactor Components

The Electric Power Research Institute Inc. will demonstrate two advanced manufacturing technologies and establish a supply chain for reactor component fabrication to reduce cost, schedule, and availability challenges. Results could help the nuclear industry increase the use of advance manufacturing to maintain current and advance future nuclear reactors.

Electric Power Research Institute Inc. Abstract

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Pathway II: Advanced Reactor Development Projects

General Electric logo with white space on each side.

General Electric Global Research

Niskayuna, NY

Scaled Solid Oxide Co-Electrolysis for Low-Cost Syngas Synthesis from Nuclear Energy

General Electric Global Research will complete engineering design and demonstration tests for synthetic jet and diesel fuel using nuclear energy. The project will test a scaled-up co-electrolysis technology at Idaho National Laboratory that converts carbon dioxide and steam into syngas to create a carbon-neutral liquid synthetic fuel. The project will also produce a conceptual design for a 2–5-megawatt nuclear reactor demonstration. Results from this project could help reduce the cost of carbon-neutral synthetic fuels and accelerate decarbonization of the aviation industry.

General Electric Global Research Abstract

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Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC

Cranberry Township, PA

Front-End Engineering Designs and Investigative Studies for Integrating Commercial Electrolysis Hydrogen Production with Selected Light-Water Reactors

Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC will develop front-end engineering designs for commercial-scale integration of hydrogen technology with existing nuclear power plants. This project will evaluate the business case for a nuclear-coupled hydrogen production system and identify potential scale-up challenges. The results could create more equitable opportunities for the use of nuclear energy beyond electricity generation.

Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Abstract

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3M logo with the words "Science Applied to Life."


Saint Paul, MN

Novel Methods for Domestic Stable Isotope Production – ONE

3M Company will evaluate and develop stable isotope recovery processes to provide lithium and chlorine isotopes for existing and future nuclear reactors. Through this project, 3M will scale-up and test technologies based on scalability and cost-competitive factors to design a pilot-scale facility. Project results could help ensure the commercial deployment of molten salt reactors.

3M Abstract

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The X-Energy logo.

X-Energy, LLC

Rockville, MD

Market-driven Optimization of the X-energy Next-generation Integrated Transportable High-temperature (XENITH) Microreactor

X-Energy, LLC will complete a preliminary design of its XENITH microreactor to bring it closer to commercial deployment. The project will complete a series of important design steps to demonstrate the performance and safety of the microreactor. Results from this project could help the reactor get to market within the decade.

X-Energy, LLC Abstract

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Constellation logo.

Constellation Energy Generation, LLC

Kennett Square, PA

Simulation-Informed Dependency Treatment to Enhance Operational Flexibility, Avoid Production Loss, and Maintain Safety of Operating Plants and Advanced Reactor

Constellation Energy Generation, LLC will improve operational efficiency and flexibility of the current fleet of nuclear reactors by reducing unnecessary shutdowns. This project will develop a methodology and computational tool to integrate modeling and simulation data with risk-informed dependency analyses to improve operational flexibility, avoid production loss, and maintain safety of existing nuclear power plants.

Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Abstract

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Pathway III: Regulatory Grants

RhinoCorps logo.


Albuquerque, NM

Guidelines for Implementing Physical Vulnerability Assessments using Modeling and Simulation in the Nuclear Industry

RhinoCorps will create a roadmap to help reactor operators reduce operating costs by incorporating modeling and simulation into their security assessment processes. Results from this project could provide significant cost savings for existing and future advanced reactor operators.

RhinoCorps Abstract

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General Atomics Logo

General Atomics

San Diego, CA

Evaluation of Accelerated Fuel Test in a Thermal Reactor for its Representativeness and Advancement

General Atomics will attempt to accelerate fuel qualification for new fuel types. This project will combine modeling and simulation with experimental data to accurately predict fuel behavior. Results from this project could accelerate licensing of new fuels for advanced reactors. 

General Atomics Abstract

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Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation Logo

Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation

Knoxville, TN

Optimization of Calibration Intervals of Nuclear Plant Pressure Transmitters

The Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation will work with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to reduce costs and outage times for existing nuclear reactors by reducing the frequency of pressure transmitter calibrations. This project will create a roadmap for each major operating reactor type for using real-time data to know when the transmitters need to be calibrated. Results from this project could significantly reduce regulatory and technical uncertainly for plant operators.

Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation Abstract

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Terrestrial Energy USA Inc. logo.

Terrestrial Energy USA

Charlotte, NC

Completion of IMSR® Standard Design Approval Pre-Licensing Reviews with NRC to Support Advanced Reactor Licensing Framework

Terrestrial Energy USA will advance its molten salt reactor design. This project will submit several pre-licensing topical reports to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as part of its phased licensing approach to advance the design approval and eventual deployment of a molten salt reactor. Results from this project could reduce licensing risk for advanced nuclear reactors and help bring these technologies online within the next decade.

Terrestrial Energy USA Abstract

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