March 23 Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund RFI Webinar

On Thursday, March 23, 2023, the Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office (GDO) hosted a webinar overviewing the Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund (PR-ERF) Request for Information (RFI).

On February 21, 2023, the GDO launched the PR-ERF to support Puerto Rico’s grid resilience efforts to ensure more vulnerable households and communities on the island have access to energy resilience solutions like solar and battery storage. GDO requests feedback from Puerto Rican stakeholders through this RFI to inform the implementation strategy of the PR-ERF. 

These webinars provided an overview of the Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund and highlight how to submit feedback through the RFI.

Slides from the webinar are available below.

Video Url
March 23, 2023, Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund RFI Webinar Recording
Video courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy, Grid Deployment Office.