Fleet Electrification Step 1: Identify and Coordinate Team

Step 1 of the site-level federal fleet electrification process begins with identifying and coordinating a team of stakeholders to support electrification at the fleet location.

Primary Audiences

Site ZEV Champions icon Agency Headquarters Fleet Electrification Managers
Site ZEV Champions icon Site ZEV Champions
Site Location Fleet Managers icon Site Location Fleet Managers
Facility Infrastructure Managers icon Facility Infrastructure Managers
Facility Energy Managers icon Facility Energy Managers
Vehicle Operators icon Vehicle Operators

The primary audiences for this process step are all of the fleet electrification stakeholders, including the agency headquarters fleet electrification managers, site ZEV champions, site location fleet managers, facility infrastructure managers, facility energy managers, and vehicle operators.

The agency headquarters fleet electrification manager (typically the agency fleet manager) is responsible for identifying the site ZEV champion that will oversee electrification at the fleet location. This site ZEV champion will then identify, coordinate, and engage with the other key stakeholders.


Overview: Identify and Coordinate Team

A ZEV ready team made up of the primary audiences in the federal fleet electrification process.

The critical first step in the fleet electrification process is to assemble the team of both headquarters and fleet location stakeholders to support the agency’s electrification goals. These key agency stakeholders are responsible for acquiring zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and the installation and maintenance of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). The electrification process relies on strong collaboration and partnerships with stakeholders, clearly distinguished roles and responsibilities, frequent and open communication, and methods for tracking deliverables and success throughout the project period.
Typically, this process step is managed by the site ZEV champion, which is selected by the agency headquarters fleet electrification manager. The site ZEV champion is often the site location fleet manager but may operate in another position.

The site ZEV champion:

  1. identifies the key fleet electrification stakeholders at the site location to ensure communication and engagement across all stakeholders, and
  2. coordinates the education and training of those key fleet electrification stakeholders

Once the team is created, the key fleet electrification stakeholders should complete recommended training (specific to their roles and responsibilities) on the acquisition, planning, design, deployment, and operation of ZEVs and EVSE. The Recommended Federal Fleet Training Materials under Step 2: Review EV and EVSE Training Materials lists these training materials.

For EVSE deployments that may impact electricity demand, early collaboration with the site location’s electric utility is critical to assessing grid impacts and potential equipment upgrades to plan for EVSE (see Step 9: Coordinate with Local Utility Service). The facility and site location fleet managers are also encouraged to work closely with electricians and/or electrical contractors with the proper expertise, information, tools, and training for installing EVSE to ensure a high-quality and efficient installation experience.

Key Stakeholders and Suggested Roles and Responsibilities


  • Considerations for agencies on how to delineate roles and responsibilities are detailed below. There are differences in naming conventions across the federal agencies, with some personnel covering multiple roles; however, there should be personnel within each agency that fall under the following six categories described below.

    Site ZEV Champions iconAgency Headquarters Fleet Electrification Managers

    The personnel responsible for the overall electrification of each federal fleet—the agency headquarters fleet electrification manager(s)—varies across agencies. In some agencies (typically smaller), this role is assigned to the agency headquarters fleet manager. Other agencies (typically larger) have established separate agency fleet electrification offices or manager roles, which may include headquarters facility managers and budget managers.

    The agency headquarters fleet electrification managers have the authority and expertise to assess the entire scope of the fleet. They are best suited to: (1) determine how many ZEVs will be acquired and track acquisitions, (2) determine which sites are priorities for the near-term installation of EVSE to support ZEVs, (3) coordinate electrification efforts with fleet location stakeholders, and (4) prepare and execute the overall agency Zero-Emission Strategic Plan with the Council on Environmental Quality.

    ZEV Champion iconSite ZEV Champion

    Fleet electrification leader at the site location responsible for executing the ZEV Ready planning framework from start to finish.

    Site Location Fleet Manager iconSite Location Fleet Manager

    Site location fleet managers determine how many ZEVs should be acquired at the site and in what parking areas, coordinate with the facility infrastructure manager, and ensure that every ZEV has a corresponding plan for EVSE deployment. If there are multiple fleet managers at a single location, they should coordinate and ensure someone is designated site ZEV champion.

    Facility Infrastructure Manager iconFacility Infrastructure Manager

    Facility infrastructure managers and utility staff are best able to plan the installation of EVSE and upgrades to the supporting electrical infrastructure and their ongoing maintenance. Plans are informed by the ZEV requirements established by both the agency and fleet location managers. Facility management staff should coordinate with local utilities early in this process to inform effective EVSE design and identify possible support pograms for EVSE offered by utilities.

    Facility Energy Manager iconFacility Energy Manager

    Facility energy managers help integrate EVSE into overall facility energy plans. This includes reviewing the location of the EVSE placement, considering how the EVSE will affect facility energy planning, and revising the facility energy plan to account for EVSE. Energy managers should coordinate with any other facility tenants to ensure that their needs are considered in the EVSE planning process. There is often overlap between facility energy managers and infrastructure managers. Community planners may be involved in these roles as well. It is ultimately up to site staff to designate responsibilities where these delineations are ambiguous.

    Vehicle Operator iconVehicle Operator

    Operators are not responsible for acquiring ZEVs and installing EVSE at fleet locations. However, they will typically be responsible for charging the vehicles at fleet facilities or while in transit. They can identify public charging stations using the Alternative Fueling Station Locator.

  • StakeholderSuggested Primary RolesSuggested Responsibilities

    Agency Headquarters Fleet Manager

    Agency Headquarters Fleet Electrification Managers

    Program Development

    Site Prioritization

    • Establish and convey overall fleet ZEV goals and priorities
    • Develop overall agency ZEV strategic plan
    • Identify priority locations for fleet electrification
    • Align financial planning at site and agency level
    • Monitor and ensure compliance with Federal fleet requirements
    • Implement fleet electrification training program
    • Establish fleet policies for ZEV and EVSE operations

    ZEV Champion icon

    Site ZEV Champion
    Stakeholder Coordination
    • Assembles and coordinates stakeholders and responsibilities
    • Manage team in moving through the fleet electrification process

    Site Location Fleet Manager icon

    Site Location Fleet Manager

    Fleet Location Vehicle Selection

    Determinations of EVSE Needs

    • Determine individual vehicles suitable for replacement with ZEVs at each fleet location
    • Determine the number and type of necessary EVSE and preferred locations for installation at facility
    • Facilitate vehicle operator engagement and training
    • Manage data collection and reporting requirements
    • Develop EVSE operation and maintenance plans

    Facility Infrastructure Manager icon

    Facility Infrastructure Manager

    Plan for EVSE at Fleet Location

    EVSE Installation

    Electrical Service Upgrades

    EVSE Maintenance

    • Plan for EVSE installation and maintenance at location
    • Design EVSE, including electrical upgrades
    • Manage the contracting and installation of EVSE
    • Maintain EVSE, including the electrical infrastructure
    • Identify proposed location of EVSE parking space(s) with respect to existing buildings and structures
    • Assess if existing electrical service will support the extra EVSE load in coordination with utility company
    • Meet reporting requirements including annual energy data reporting
    • Support mission assurance

    Facility Energy Manager icon

    Facility Energy Manager

    Integrate EVSE with Site Energy and Utility Planning

    Support Coordination with Utility Stakeholders

    • Integrate with overall energy and utility site plans
    • Support coordination of fleet location energy and utility stakeholders in EVSE design and deployment
    • Integrate EVSE design with the site energy plan

    Vehicle Operator icon

    Vehicle Operator

    Drive and Charge ZEVs

    • Charge the ZEV at fleet location or use public EVSE charging stations
    • Become familiar/competent with EVSE
    • Understand ZEV operational range, charging needs, and schedule charging sessions accordingly
    • Adhere to fleet management requirements and standards
    • Use Alternative Fueling Station Locator to find publicly available EVSE

Other Possible Fleet Electrification Stakeholders

There also likely will be several types of stakeholders involved in the fleet electrification effort, including:

  • Contracting officers and other procurement specialists
  • Headquarters sustainability leadership of personnel (e.g., the agency Chief Sustainability Officer)
  • Headquarters property management personnel
  • Program managers or budget analysts in charge of funding
  • Other headquarters and sub-agency fleet, facility, and energy managers
  • GSA's fleet service representatives (FSRs)
  • Contracting officer representatives, contracting officers, and other procurement specialists
  • Local utilities
  • Cybersecurity and technology integration officers
  • Personnel responsible for workplace charging
  • Site engineers, planners, electricians, and maintenance staff.

All key fleet electrification stakeholders would typically be responsible for determining whom they need to inform as part of their activities.

Becoming ZEV Ready

Team Ready

As part of the Team Ready component of the ZEV Ready certification, this step includes identifying and engaging with the key fleet electrification stakeholders at the fleet site location to ensure a coordinated approach.


Phase ZEV Ready Step Actions
Team Ready
1. Identify and Coordinate Team Including Key Electrification Stakeholders

Identify a site ZEV champion or someone at the site location who is responsible for executing the ZEV Ready planning framework from start to finish.

The site ZEV champion should identify key electrification stakeholders, or those who can help to implement the ZEV Ready planning at a site or field-level, including:

  • Agency headquarters fleet electrification managers
  • Site or local fleet manager
  • Facility, energy, or utility manager
  • Site leadership
  • Electrical engineers.

The site ZEV champion should also identify other stakeholders to ensure a coordinated approach, such as:

  • The energy provider, building owner, or building manager (GSA)
  • Budget and procurement managers
  • Agency headquarters facility managers.

The site ZEV champion should begin engaging key stakeholders by sharing names, roles, and responsibilities, and discussing site fleet electrification early in the planning process.