EA-2201: Environmental Assessment and FONSI - BlueOval SK Battery Plant (Stanton, TN) BlueOval SK Battery Park (Glendale, KY)

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Loan Programs Office (LPO), has issued an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to consider the environmental impacts associated with providing potential financial assistance (a federal loan) to BlueOval SK to support the construction and tooling of battery plants in Stanton, TN, and Glendale, KY. 

The documents included on the Environmental Compliance Division webpages have been posted to comply with applicable environmental requirements as part of LPO’s due diligence process for issuing a Department of Energy loan or loan guarantee. With the exception of a Record of Decision, the posting of these documents should not be construed as recommending a decision about the issuance of a loan or loan guarantee.