Integrated Strategies Office

The mission of the Integrated Strategies Office is to accelerate the development of innovative energy solutions by:

  • Managing programs and initiatives focused on delivering value to communities.
  • Conducting modeling, analysis, and evaluation to inform priorities for clean energy investment.
  • Providing strategic advice and coordination services to EERE leadership and staff.

The Integrated Strategies Office currently oversees activities related to the following EERE strategic priorities:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) team focuses on implementing strategic approaches for EERE to address priorities for this emerging technology space. EERE is working to expand its use of AI/ML for R&D innovation, to establish good practices and standards for responsible use of AI, and to improve internal EERE functions.  The team is further working to identify AI/ML grand challenges in the EERE mission space and then collaborate with EERE technology offices and other DOE offices to develop solutions to address those challenges.

Contact: [email protected]

EERE International

EERE International coordinates engagement with strategically important countries, multilateral organizations, and American industry partners to grow the market for U.S. renewable energy technologies and services. The team works to promote EERE priorities at international engagements, facilitate and support technical exchanges with international partners, and provide targeted technical assistance.

Contact: [email protected]

Energy Access

This team leads EERE's work with states and local communities to support their strategic energy and resilience planning.  For isolated and vulnerable communities, EERE accomplishes this objective through the Energy Transitions Initiative and ETI's technical assistance delivery arm, the ETI Partnership Project (ETIPP). ETIPP leverages national labs and regional partners to respond to communities' energy priorities while expanding their resources and capacity.

Contact: [email protected]


With EERE technologies as some of the fastest growing energy technologies being adopted, better including cybersecurity considerations in all facets of research, development, and operation will provide increased security and resilience. The Cybersecurity team develops strategies for EERE technology offices to include cybersecurity in their work and provides guidance to EERE leadership and staff on cyber issues. The team coordinates closely with DOE's Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response (CESER) and other DOE offices to ensure a unified effort to strengthen the security and resilience of the U.S. energy infrastructure against cyber threats and hazards.

Contact: [email protected]

Metrics, Measurement and Evaluation

The Metrics, Measures, and Evaluation team supports the development of rigorous impact evaluations of EERE's work by independent third parties. The team collaborates with EERE offices to establish frameworks for data collection and reporting, providing them with guidance on methodologies and approaches for program-specific evaluations. 

Contact: [email protected]

STEM and University Partnerships

The STEM and University Partnerships team manages prizes and education programs targeted at institutions who have not historically partnered extensively with DOE. This team also ensures that all recipients of EERE funding integrate outreach and partnership promotion into their work. Key initiatives include the Faculty-Applied Clean Energy Sciences (FACES) Program and Graduate Education for Minority Students (GEM) Fellowship. The HBCU Clean Energy Education Prize awards $7.5 million to Historically Black Colleges and Universities to expand energy innovation education and job opportunities for students. In addition, the team manages EERE's sponsorship of FIRST Robotics, a robot-building competition for high school students.

Contact: [email protected]

Strategic Analysis

The mission of EERE Strategic Analysis is to provide evidence-based, portfolio-wide analysis for energy decision-makers in EERE and beyond. The team performs cross-cutting, gap-filling, and corporate analysis associated with the research and market uptake of EERE technologies. The team also develops tools and methodologies to enable consistent evaluation and analysis across EERE and serves a leadership role in related analysis across DOE, other government agencies, and external stakeholders. Flagship reports funded by EERE include Standard Scenarios and the Annual Technology Baseline.

Contact: [email protected]

Workforce Development

The Workforce Development team promotes economic development through energy innovation market growth. The team focuses on middle-skill occupations (e.g., the construction trades-workers, mechanics, production-line workers) and linking the demand and supply sides of the labor market to ensure workforce investments lead to family-supporting careers. Among other programs, the team manages the Energy Innovator Fellowship and the Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize, which aims to encourage place-based coalitions focused on creating quality jobs in energy innovation sectors.

Contact: [email protected]