Initial Assessment of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances at Department of Energy Sites

The assessment was intended to give DOE a sense of what information has been collected by the sites to help understand what data gaps may exist, to inform next steps, and support coordination with other federal agencies and communications with the public.

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances

November 22, 2022
minute read time
2022 Department of Energy Map of sites for PFAS

DOE Sites Providing PFAS Information

The Department of Energy (DOE) distributed surveys to its operating facilities to assess current or historic PFAS presence at those sites, as a first step to understanding DOE’s PFAS use, onsite inventories and potential releases into the environment.

The "Initial Assessment of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) at Department of Energy Sites" summarizes the Department’s knowledge to date about uses and releases of PFAS at DOE sites. Information from the report will inform next steps in addressing PFAS at sites, and will support continued coordination with other federal agencies and communications with the public.