
EM Updates Cleanup 'By the Numbers'

EM has updated its popular “By the Numbers” feature, which illustrates cleanup progress at EM sites through quick and clear infographics.

Office of Environmental Management

September 13, 2022
minute read time
Nevada National Security Site graphic

The Nevada National Security Site "By the Numbers" features facts and figures about cleanup and more.

EM has updated its popular “By the Numbers” feature, which illustrates cleanup progress at EM sites through quick and clear infographics.

Facts and figures on each major EM site, plus the Savannah River National Laboratory, can be found here. Each site page also features a key look forward, in gold lettering, to an anticipated achievement over the next decade, as described in more detail in the Strategic Vision 2022-2032, a blueprint to the program’s anticipated accomplishments over the next decade that will protect the public and environment.

Some tidbits from the new “By the Numbers:”

  • 951 facilities, many contaminated, have been demolished at the Hanford Site.
  • More than 61,000 cubic meters of managed transuranic and mixed low-level waste at the Idaho National Laboratory Site has been shipped offsite for disposal.
  • 40 monitoring, extraction and injection wells have been installed in and around the hexavalent chromium plume at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Site. These wells and associated infrastructure support characterization and migration of the plume via an interim measure.
  • More than 12.6 million tons of tailings at the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project have been shipped for disposal, amounting to 78% of the total tons.
  • 51.9 million cubic feet of low-level waste has been disposed at the Nevada National Security Site radioactive waste disposal facilities since 1961.
  • 1,277 acres of land has been transferred to the local community for reuse and economic redevelopment at the Oak Ridge Site.
  • 642,599 pounds of waste at the Paducah Site was recycled in 2021, avoiding disposal.
  • EM completed the demolition of all remaining DOE-owned buildings at the Energy Technology Engineering Center in 2021.
  • More than 977.2 million gallons of groundwater from four onsite plumes have been treated and are currently managed by pump-and-treat and slurry wall technology at the Portsmouth Site.
  • More than 4,300 canisters of glassified radioactive waste have been produced at the Defense Waste Processing Facility since it began operations in 1996 at the Savannah River Site.
  • 29,000 square feet of building footprint have been demolished at the Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center-New York Project Office (formerly the Separations Process Research Unit).
  • 71,320 cubic meters of waste have been disposed in the underground mine at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
  • More than $5 billion in complex-wide savings for the EM program have been achieved due to innovations developed in the past 10 years at the Savannah River National Laboratory.
  • More than seven miles of piping and over 50 tons of vessels and equipment have been removed from predominantly high-hazard areas of the former reprocessing plant at the West Valley Demonstration Project.
  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • National Labs
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Clean Energy
  • Decarbonization