September H2IQ Hour – Part II: HydroGEN Advanced Water Splitting Materials Capabilities Overview

Join the September H2IQ Hour – Part II on September 16, 2022, at 1 p.m. ET for an overview of the HydroGEN Advanced Water Splitting Materials consortium and its direct solar hydrogen production capabilities.

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office

September 9, 2022
minute read time

Join the September H2IQ Hour – Part II on September 16, 2022, at 1 p.m. ET for an overview of the HydroGEN Advanced Water Splitting Materials consortium and its direct solar hydrogen production capabilities. HydroGEN is a consortium of five U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories with world-class capabilities and expertise in photoelectrochemical, solar thermochemical, low-temperature electrolytic, and high-temperature electrolytic water splitting pathways. In this webinar, HydroGEN Director Huyen Dinh, of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, will present an overview of the consortium and highlight capabilities that can support collaborative R&D projects on solar fuels, including photoelectrochemical and solar thermochemical water splitting pathways.

The webinar will include a 45-minute live presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. A recording will be available on the website after the event.

Register for the webinar.

  • Hydrogen
  • Fuel Cell Technologies
  • Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit (45V)
  • Hydrogen Production
  • Renewable Energy