Independent Assessment of Safety Management Program Development at the Hanford Site Low-Activity Waste Facility - August 2022
Office of Enterprise Assessments
August 24, 2022August 2022,
Independent Assessment of Safety Management Program Development at the Hanford Site Low-Activity Waste Facility - August 2022
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA) conducted an independent assessment of the effectiveness of safety management program development by Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI) at the Hanford Site Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Low-Activity Waste (LAW) facility. EA conducted the onsite portion of this assessment May 9-13, 2022. The safety management programs selected for evaluation were the fire protection program and maintenance program being implemented at the LAW facility, and the occupational radiation protection program as it relates to laboratory sampling. The assessment also evaluated the effectiveness of Office of River Protection (ORP) and Richland Operations Office (RL) oversight of BNI’s safety management program development and initial implementation.