Non-Pile Soils Remediation

To support remediation and the site cleanup design, DOE assessed all Moab site soils for radiological contamination. Boreholes for logging gamma radiation measurements as an indicator of contamination were drilled at 90-foot intervals across the site. This assessment provides a general sense of where the highest concentrations of radiological contaminants in soil exist. The data were documented in the Radiological Assessment for Non-Pile Areas of the Moab Project Site, which details the measurement techniques, instruments, procedures, and results. All site soils will be cleaned up to applicable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards.

In 2003, DOE began cleaning up radiologically contaminated soil in non-pile (off-pile) areas of the Moab site. This non-pile soils remediation has resulted in a reduction of the contaminated footprint by 133 acres. The Moab Site Non-Pile Soils Remediation attachment below shows the areas that have been remediated and the date range of when the cleanup took place. It also shows the extent and estimated depth of contamination in the remaining areas that were assessed. Some areas on the figure are identified as supplemental standards. EPA allows the application of supplemental standards that establish alternate cleanup levels for soil contaminated with uranium mill tailings based on an assessment of risk to human health and the environment for specific exposure scenarios.