Resource documents and websites to support the strategic vision process.
Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office
September 6, 2022Internal and External Resources
Below are three tables which provide links to supporting documents, websites, and presentations. Provided with each link is a brief description and the benefits of reviewing.
Link (Where) | Description (What) | Reader Return on Investment (ROI) (Why) |
2016 Consent Order and Updates to 2022 | The 2016 Compliance Order on Consent (“Consent Order”) followed the earlier 2005-15 Consent Order. It is an agreement between the State of New Mexico and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that guides and governs legacy cleanup activities at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. | Provides parameters for completing LANL legacy waste cleanup projects and for organizing and prioritizing continuing cleanup projects, with mechanism for annual adjustments (Appendix B) that ensure continued agreement on priorities and regulatory compliance. |
Environmental Management 2021-2031 10-Year Vision | In 2020, the Office of Environmental Management (EM) established a 10-year strategic vision for every environmental site within the DOE Complex. This document is the Los Alamos National Laboratory contribution. | Provides high level summary and metrics of EM Los Alamos Field Office's (EM-LA) Legacy Waste Cleanup Mission, recent cleanup performance details, and a look ahead at expected cleanup activities for 10 years given current assumptions. |
Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Environmental Management Federal Budget Request | Environmental Management is captured in Volume 6 of the DOE's annual budget request for FY2023 which is excerpted here. The national EM mission and funding along with site-specific funding requests are described. | 1The Los Alamos National Laboratory segment on pages 387-401 describes legacy cleanup activities expected in FY2023 with estimates supporting the requested funding to U.S> Congress. |
Legacy Cleanup Contract Updated through Modification 79 | The performance-based contract between EMLA and the Legacy Waste Cleanup Contractor (LLCC) N3B defines the environmental cleanup work; modes of execution; support, fee and payment mechanisms; etc. | Provides description of much of the EMLA cleanup work scope that is being conducted by N3B, along with performance measurement criteria, and funding detail. |
Link (Where) | Description (What) | ROI (Why) |
Los Alamos Legacy Contractor (N3B Los Alamos) Electronic Public Reading Room Environmental Management (Documents from May 2018 to present) | Homepage for the LANL legacy document collection that is available to the public to search, view, and download. In May of 2018, the Office of Environmental Management established a separate site for documents related to the legacy cleanup. | The electronic public reading room (EPRR) allows keyword searches of documents that includes reports and correspondence with the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED). |
Los Alamos National Laboratory Electronic Public Reading Room (Environmental Management Documents prior to May 2018) | Homepage for the Los Alamos National Laboratory's document collection that is available to the public to search, view, and download. This site includes documents prior to the N3B legacy cleanup contract. | The EPRR allows keyword searches of documents that include reports and correspondence with NMED. |
Los Alamos National Laboratory Permits Page | LANL's Hazardous Waste Permit, indexing a variety of permits with supporting public outreach detail that is associated with EM’s legacy waste cleanup sites. Includes guidance on federal and state statutes such as the U.S. EPA’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which is enforced by the state and New Mexico Hazardous Waste Act. The 2016 Consent Order is also located here. | LANL Facility Hazardous Waste permit page links extensively to documents describing EMLA’s cleanup requirements and progress, especially the year-by-year “Deliverables and Accomplishments.” |
Northern NM Citizens Advisory Board Home Page | Homepage for the community advisory group (chartered in 1997) that provides citizen input to DOE on issues of environmental monitoring, remediation, and waste management at LANL. A DOE Site-Specific Advisory Board. | NNMCAB homepage provides agendas for past and upcoming meetings, held monthly; minutes of past meetings; and past presentation materials. Content development is ongoing |
Link (Where) | Description (What) | ROI (Why) |
Fiscal Year 21-22 EM-LA Priorities | Presentation by EM-LA and N3B contractor at the March 2022 NNMCAB meeting to describe the EM-LA priorities for FY 2021-2022. | This presentation provides an explanation of the EM-LA priorities for the legacy cleanup projects, with mechanism for annual adjustments (Appendix B) that ensure continued agreement on priorities and regulatory compliance |
New Mexico Environment Department Public Meeting Presentation on Consent Order Milestones | NMED January 2022 public meeting presentation describing the process the state and EM-LA used to come to agreement on annual milestones and year 2 and 3 targets. | This presentation provides an explanation of the process, and is helpful in learning how and when public input can be most beneficial. |