Example Media Block: Interactive Media Library H5P

By making it easy for professional content creators and publishers to create, maintain and reuse rich Internet content, H5P will empower creatives to create richer and better experiences more efficiently. H5P content is responsive and mobile friendly, which means that users will experience the same rich, interactive content on computers, smartphones and tablets alike.

H5P is a community driven project. Currently there are some companies that are doing the heavy lifting, and we hope to see more companies and volunteers joining us soon.

H5P Interactive Media Types

H5P Type Example H5P Description H5P Tutorial
Agamotto Image Blender Present a sequence of images and explanations Agamotto Image Blender Tutorial
AR Scavenger Augmented reality fun! AR Scavenge Tutorial
Branching Scenario Create dilemmas and self paced learning Branching Scenario Tutorial
Chart Quickly generate bar and pie charts Chart Tutorial
Collage Create a collage of multiple images Collage Tutorial
Complex fill the blanks A free HTML5 based question type that allows creating fill in the blanks tasks with advanced feedback and 'drop-down' mode Fill in the Blanks Tutorial
Crossword Create a crossword puzzle Crossword Tutorial
Dialog Cards Create text-based turning cards Dialog Cards Tutorial
Drag the Words Create text-based drag and drop tasks Drag the Words Tutorial
Find Multiple Hotspots Create many hotspots for users to find Find Multiple Hotspots Tutorial
Find the words Grid word search game Find the Words Tutorial
Flashcards Create stylish and modern flashcards Flashcards Tutorial
Iframe Embedder Embed from a url or a set of files iFrame Embedder Tutorial
Image Choice Create a task were the alternatives are images Image Choice Tutorial
Image Hotspots Create an image with multiple info hotspots Image Hotspots Tutorial
Image Juxtaposition Create interactive images Image Juxtaposition Tutorial
Image Pairing Drag and drop image matching game Image Pairing Tutorial
Image Sequencing Place images in the correct order Image Sequencing Tutorial
Interactive Video Create videos enriched with interactions Interactive Video Tutorial
KewAr Code Create QR codes for different purposes KewAr Tutorial
Memory Game Create the classic image pairing game Memory Game Tutorial
Multiple Choice Create flexible multiple choice questions Multichoice Question Tutorial
Personality Quiz Create personality quizzes Personality Quiz Tutorial
Quiz Question Set Create a sequence of various question types Quiz Question Set Tutorial
Sort the Paragraphs Create a set of paragraphs to be sorted Sort the Paragraphs Tutorial
Virtual Tour 360 Create 360 environments with interactions Virtual Tour Tutorial