Grid Resilience State/Tribal Formula Grants Program

Authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, managed through the Grid Deployment Office (GDO), and administered by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants program is designed to strengthen and modernize America’s power grid against wildfires, extreme weather, and other natural disasters.

Program Information

The program will distribute funding to states, territories, and federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Alaska Native Village Corporations, over five years based on a formula that includes factors such as population size, land area, probability and severity of disruptive events, and a locality’s historical expenditures on mitigation efforts. The states, territories, and tribes will then award these funds to a diverse set of projects, with priority given to efforts that generate the greatest community benefit providing affordable and reliable energy.

Depiction of the Grid Resilience Formula Grant process

Formula Grant Awards 

Find more information about the Grid Resilience State and Tribal formula grant awards and Tribal Consortiums.

Fiscal Year 2025

On December 17, 2024, GDO published fiscal year 2025 (FY25) grant allocation amounts and released a Notice of Intent to open the FY25 Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants application and allocation request period in February 2025.


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