FIA-22-0011 - In the Matter of Lorenzo Venneri

FOIA Appeal; Denied; Exemptions 3 and 6

Office of Hearings and Appeals

April 6, 2022
minute read time

On April 6, 2022, the Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) denied a Freedom of Information Act ( FOIA) appeal filed by Lorenzo Venneri (Appellant) from a final determination  issued by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Idaho Operations Office   (Idaho). The   Appellant challenged   the Idaho's reliance on 41 U.S.C. section 2101(7)(J) under Exemption 3. He also challenges the withholding of subject matter experts' names under Exemption 6. OHA found that Idaho properly invoked Exemptions 3 and 6. Consequently, the Appellant's Appeal will be denied. (OHA Case No. FIA-22-0011)

FIA-22-0011.pdf (128.41 KB)