EM-Los Alamos

The EM Los Alamos Field Office (EM-LA) is dedicated to the cleanup of legacy contamination of radioactive and chemical materials and waste resulting from operations during the Manhattan Project and Cold War eras at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico. EM-LA’s cleanup scope includes legacy waste remediation and disposition, soil and groundwater remediation, and deactivation and decommissioning of excess buildings and facilities.

Video Url
EM-Los Alamos Site 101 Video
Office of Environmental Management
A professional headshot of a woman with shoulder length hair and a white button up jacket

Jessica Kunkle, Manager


Jessica Kunkle began serving as the EM-LA manager in June 2024. Prior to this appointment, Kunkle served in the National Nuclear Security Administration's Office of Infrastructure Lifecycle Management in Washington, DC. 

High-Level Budget Information

FY22 Enacted

(In the millions)

FY23 Request

(In the millions)

FY23 Enacted

(In the millions)

FY24 Request

(In the millions)

FY24 Enacted

(in the millions)

FY25 Requested

(in the millions)


For more information on the Office of Environmental Management's budget process and performance check out the Budget & Performance page.

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