H2 Twin Cities Activities and Impacts

Communities and cities that are part of H2 Twin Cities can mobilize collaboration, accelerate technology deployment, and address environmental justice and inclusion—particularly at the city and municipality level—through a variety of activities.


Example activities include:

  • Stimulate regional clusters and getting to scale by developing reciprocal educational, municipal, business, professional, and technical exchanges and projects for communities, city officials, and relevant deployment-focused stakeholders to creatively learn, work, and solve problems together.
  • Create and share business cases for different applications and end uses (e.g., bus fleets, hospitals, trucks, industrial use) through videos or online tours.
  • Share best practices in streamlined permitting and community/end-user acceptance such as through tutorials and webinars.

Metrics to Measure Success

H2 Twin Cities partners will be required to measure effectiveness and impact of their activities. Examples of metrics to measure success are shown in the following table.

Examples of Metrics Examples of Measures
Increased visibility for cities/regions Social media following
Project deployments and commitments

Number of projects proposed

Gigawatts/megawatts of deployment

Emissions reductions Reduction of local greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions
Hydrogen job pipeline Number of hires resulting from new hydrogen project deployments
Environmental justice

Number of disadvantaged community citizens engaged with

Jobs created

Clean energy access Energy savings for households, businesses, and other entities