The roles to which you are assigned will determine your permissions surrounding reviewing, creating, modifying, and publishing content and media.
August 17, 2021There are many roles within the CMS that can be assigned to User accounts. Your assigned role will dictate the permissions that you have within the CMS.
Helpful Hint
When requesting a new CMS User Account for yourself or others, include the desired roles you would like for the account to have in your email to the CMS Support Inbox.
Prior approval from Office POC is needed for all changes to account roles and permissions.
Role Definitions
In or out?
Anonymous User
Anonymous Users are any visitors who navigate to or without signing in. Anonymous users are unable to edit, create, modify or view unpublished content unless they have been provided with a temporary unpublished access link.
Authenticated User
Authenticated Users are all individuals who are logged in to a valid, active CMS Production Account.
Main User Roles
Basic Editor
Basic Editors can edit all types of content and media within the CMS that is owned by their Office Group(s). They may create Articles, Events, Listings, and Pages. Basic Editors are unable to Publish content unless paired with the Publisher role.
Advanced Editor
Advanced Editors can edit and create all types of media and content. A User with this role is unable to Publish content unless paired with the Publisher role.
Publishers can publish content from other Moderation States (eg Unpublished, Needs Approval, Draft) to their Office Group(s). CMS Users with this role are unable to edit/create content unless paired with Basic or Advanced Editor roles.
Reviewers may review unpublished draft content and media on the site regardless of Office Assignment without needing and Access Unpublished token. Users with this role are unable to create, edit, or publish content Media.
Other User Roles
Administrator permissions are reserved for the CMS Support Team. Site Administrators are able to create, edit, or otherwise modify all content and configurations on the site, regardless of Office Assignment.
Can Change Group Assignment
When paired with the Editor role, this role gives CMS Users the ability change the group assignment of content from the Edit tab.
Custom Topics Creator
CMS Users with this role can create Custom Topics to be used across the site.
Interactive Editor
Interactive Editors are able to modify the full HTML fields for the Interactive Media Type.
Podcast Manager
Podcast Managers may create, modify, and manage podcasts within the CMS.
Webform Results
CMS Users with this role can view the results form Webforms on the site.