How many safety hazards do you think you could spot in two minutes?
Office of Environmental Management
July 27, 2021RICHLAND, Wash. – How many safety hazards do you think you could spot in two minutes? That’s the question being asked of team members at the EM Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant through a new safety initiative. In the TAKE Two campaign, employees have two minutes to find as many safety issues as they can in a simulated work area. The time limit reinforces that taking even two minutes before starting or re-engaging in a task or activity can help identify potential safety hazards. The TAKE Two mock-up is open to all team members to test and build their knowledge. The safety mock-up is modified with different simulated settings to keep the test challenging. In this photo, Vern Prosser, at right, craft liaison for the Voluntary Protection Program at the plant, tests Rick Holmes, general manager for the Waste Treatment Completion Company (WTCC), on how many safety issues he can identify in two minutes or less. WTCC is a subcontractor to EM Office of River Protection contractor Bechtel National, Inc.
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