User Focus Backlog

This Pivot Table contains the development backlog items that users are interested in tracking. 

This was last updated 3/29/2024

Want more insight into the development process?

Lifecycle of a Ticket

The workflow from user request through the development process to the final release to the production environment is encapsulated below, with the various ticket stages emphasized.

  1. Issue identified or enhancement suggested
  2. CMS Support Opens Ticket
  3. Scrum Master verifies Ticket during Backlog Grooming meeting, and it's moved to Backlog
  4. Ticket is reviewed with Developers during Design Spec meeting, and it's moved to On Deck
  5. Ticket is assigned to a sprint during Sprint Planning meeting
  6. Ticket is In Progress while Developers work on Ticket during development Sprint until it's Ready for Client
  7. CMS Support tests ticket in Development environment during Dev Client Testing
  8. Ticket is pulled into Release Candidate
  9. CMS Support tests ticket as part of Release Candidate during Stage Client Testing
  10. Ticket is Closed when the update is released into Production