This Pivot Table contains the development backlog items that users are interested in tracking.
This was last updated 3/29/2024
Want more insight into the development process?
Lifecycle of a Ticket
The workflow from user request through the development process to the final release to the production environment is encapsulated below, with the various ticket stages emphasized.
- Issue identified or enhancement suggested
- CMS Support Opens Ticket
- Scrum Master verifies Ticket during Backlog Grooming meeting, and it's moved to Backlog
- Ticket is reviewed with Developers during Design Spec meeting, and it's moved to On Deck
- Ticket is assigned to a sprint during Sprint Planning meeting
- Ticket is In Progress while Developers work on Ticket during development Sprint until it's Ready for Client
- CMS Support tests ticket in Development environment during Dev Client Testing
- Ticket is pulled into Release Candidate
- CMS Support tests ticket as part of Release Candidate during Stage Client Testing
- Ticket is Closed when the update is released into Production