
Acting Assistant Secretary of Fossil Energy (ASFE) Dr. Jennifer Wilcox To Speak at EnergyInnovates Event Series

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Acting Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Fossil Energy (FE), Dr. Jennifer Wilcox, will speak at an event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Energy Institute.

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

April 19, 2021
minute read time

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Acting Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Fossil Energy (FE), Dr. Jennifer Wilcox, will speak at an event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Energy Institute on April 22, 2021 at 10 a.m. (EST). The event, titled EnergyInnovates: CCUS and Carbon Removal Policy Trends, is part of a series that will address the technologies, projects and policies that are shaping America’s clean energy revolution.

U.S. Chamber members will join national energy and climate experts to highlight the need to fund innovative programs, many of which were authorized in the Energy Act of 2020. These include programs related to carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) and carbon removal, intended to help meet the U.S. goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Dr. Wilcox will discuss future developments in research, development and deployment of CCUS. Chamber members and industry stakeholders will analyze the status of projects and the next steps that are necessary to accelerate their scaling and adoption.

The event will be livestreamed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. For more information on the event and to register, please visit the event website. For press inquiries related to Dr. Wilcox’s remarks, please email [email protected].

  • Carbon Capture
  • Carbon Management
  • Clean Energy
  • Fossil
  • Decarbonization