Education, Communication, History, and Outreach

We are dedicated to communicating accurate and timely information to communities impacted by former nuclear defense sites in order to protect human health and the environment.


To communicate information about former nuclear defense sites to all external and internal stakeholders.


We are dedicated to communicating accurate and timely information to communities impacted by former nuclear defense sites in order to protect human health and the environment. We are also committed to transparency, integrity, and empathy in all our work. People matter first to the ECHO Team. We honor cultural heritage and cultivate and nurture relationships through our education, communication, history, and outreach work.  We are the communication bridge between LM and the public.

We communicate and engage with local communities, state and local governments, and tribal nations in person, print, and digitally through:

  • Public meetings
  • Conferences
  • Outreach events
  • Fact sheets
  • Brochures
  • Stakeholder surveys
  • Press releases
  • Quarterly Program Update
  • LM website
  • Social media


STEM Event Jess, Mike & Angelita

LM conducts a STEM event at the Halchita, Utah, Community Center on the Navajo Nation near the Mexican Hat Disposal Site. Elementary school students learn about radioactivity and use a Geiger counter to test for radioactivity in items such as rocks, Brazil nuts, vintage pieces of factory-produced pottery, and other household items such as cat litter.


A workshop at the Fernald Preserve, Ohio, provides teachers with STEM ideas for their classrooms.   


LM site manager leads Colorado Mesa University students on a tour of the Grand Junction Disposal Cell in Colorado.