Webform Requests

Energy.gov Webform Request

CMS Support

June 27, 2023
minute read time

Energy.gov’s Drupal CMS has the ability to create webforms but there are certain regulations (i.e., Paperwork Reduction Act and Privacy Impact Assessment) that need to be followed to be a good steward to the data the public provides DOE.

Contact Us webforms that include ONLY an optional email entry field, a comment entry field, and a submit button may bypass the Paperwork Reduction process (Step 1) and the completion of DOE F 1322.4 - Forms Checklist (Step 2). All other forms MUST receive the approvals required below before they can be published to energy.gov.

Energy.gov Webform Request

Step 1 - Paperwork

Since every webform on Energy.gov is a public form, the first step in getting an Energy.gov webform is to begin the Paperwork Reduction Act process.

Paperwork Reduction Act

The Information Collection Program (ICP) within the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) provides general oversight, support and technical guidance to DOE programs who are seeking to sponsor and information collection. ICP should be contacted prior to any information collection effort being initiated.

PRA Contact: [email protected]

Privacy Impact Assessment

If the webform will collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII), a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) will need to be filed. The Privacy Program can be contacted via 

PIA Contact: [email protected]

Once the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the webform, it will be assigned a form number and you should contact the Forms Manager to fill out the checklist.

Forms Manager’s Checklist

Tonya Meadows, the DOE Forms Manager, can be reached at [email protected] or 202-586-8230

  1. Your office will need to fill out DOE F 1322.4 - Forms Checklist.
  2. Once the form’s PRA and checklist both have been approved, please send them to [email protected] and answer the questions below.

Step 2 - Support and Implementation

Please send the answers to the following questions to [email protected] for review.

  • Has the form request been reviewed and approved by the appropriate officials within your office?
    • If so, please provide name and contact info of approving official(s).
  • Have you identified the email address(s) where the submitted information is to be sent?
  • Have you identified an appropriate user to monitor submissions?
  • Does the user who is monitoring the submissions have the appropriate clearance and/or training on the appropriate handling of submitted information?
  • Does the form have a defined lifespan?
    • If so, what are the start and end dates for submissions?
    • Who is responsible for un-publishing the form and archiving results?
    • Have you developed a long-term maintenance/monitoring plan (if applicable)?
  • Have you identified where the webform is to be located on your site?
  • Have you provided a title for the page?
  • Have you included copy/instructions for the form?
  • Has the copy been spellchecked and proofread?
  • Have you identified all form field names and the associated data type (text box, select menu, etc.)?
  • Have you included copy for the submission page?
  • Has the submission page copy been spellchecked and proofread?

If I was really clever, I'd have made all that a webform.


Boilerplate Privacy Language

Below is guidance that has been provided by the Privacy Office.  It is intended to provide the visitor with information about the webform, how the data will be used, and instructions on filling out the webform. 

An example where this language can help:

If we include the following text on the webform “Do not provide any information beyond what is asked for on this form,” then DOE is not liable, if someone decides to add his or her SSN or DOB.  We simply need to delete the data and inform the submitter that the data was deleted.

AUTHORITY:  cite a directive, Executive Order, regulation, initiative, etc., that justifies the collection.

PURPOSE(S): briefly describe the purpose for collecting the information.

ROUTINE USES: briefly describe how the information will be used outside DOE, if applicable.

DISCLOSURE: state this is "Voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information could (explain the consequences of not providing the information). "

And add a Notice to the affect:  Do not provide any information beyond what is asked for on this form.  

Any Questions, Comments, or Requests?

Contact us at [email protected]