Release and clearance of property with the potential to contain residual radioactive material must be conducted in accordance with the requirements of DOE O 458.1, 4.k Radiological Protection of the Public and the Environment (Chg 4), 2020. Property control and clearance processes must be developed and implemented in accordance with the dose limits provided in DOE O 458.1, 4.b. under any plausible use of the property, and the ALARA process requirements presented in DOE 458.1, 4.d. must be met before property is cleared.
Documents supporting clearance and release of Real and Personal Property include:
- DOE STD-1241-2023, Implementing Release and Clearance of Property Requirements
This Standard provides guidance, consistent with DOE requirements, for implementing the release and clearance of property that may contain residual radioactive material. The guidance is provided for Department and contractor personnel who oversee and perform release and clearance of property that may be contaminated with residual radioactive material and who must determine the disposition of property under the requirements in DOE O 458.1, Chg. 4, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment (DOE, 2020). This Standard is applicable to decommissioning, deactivation, decontamination, and remedial action of property with the potential for residual radioactive contamination. This Standard, unless invoked by Rule, DOE Directive or contract, is not a requirements document, and shall not modify or otherwise add any contractual or regulatory obligations established in Directives or Rules.
- Operating Experience Level Documents Related to Radiological Release of Real and Personal Property
- Operating Experience Level 3 (OE-3), Implementation of Pre-Approved Authorized Limits for Release and Clearance of Volumetric Radioactivity of Personal Property at DOE Field Elements
(Archived. No longer current or relevant after publication of DOE STD-1241-2023)
This OE-3 documents describes the issued memorandum from the DOE Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety, and Security (EHSS-1), Pre-Approved Authorized Limits for Release and Clearance of Volumetric Radioactivity of Personal Property at DOE Field Elements, which may be useful in implementing clearance of personal property in a manner compliant with the requirements of DOE Order 458.1, Chg. 4. This OE3 is no longer current after the publication of DOE STD-1241-2023, Implementing Release and Clearance of Property requirements, March 2023
- Operating Experience Level 3 (OE-3), Clearance and Release of Personal Property from Accelerator Facilities, DOE-STD-6004
This OE-3 document describes the DOE technical standard, DOE-6004-2016, Clearance and Release of Personal Property from Accelerator Facilities that may be useful in implementing clearance of personal property in a manner compliant with the requirements of DOE O 458.1.
- Operating Experience Level 3 (OE-3), Implementation of Pre-Approved Authorized Limits for Release and Clearance of Volumetric Radioactivity of Personal Property at DOE Field Elements
- DOE Standard(STD) DOE-STD-6004-2016, Clearance and Release of Personal Property from Accelerator Facilities, 2016
This Standard provides DOE accelerator facilities or modules thereof an acceptable approach for managing and dispositioning personal property that may be radiologically impacted (mainly by activation) by accelerator operations.
- Office of Environmental Management (EM) Desk Reference: Implementing DOE Order 458.1 Property Clearance Process (Authorized Limits and Independent Verification), April 2019
This EM desk reference clarifies procedures describing the expected elements of an authorized limits package, the consultation process, the independent verification process, and roles and responsibilities of those who develop and approve the clearance package. Developed for use by EM sites, may also be applicable to other offices for reference.
- Office of Environmental Management (EM) memorandum, subject: Implementation of Pre-Approved Authorized Limits for Release and Clearance of Volumetric Radioactivity of Personal Property at EM Sites
Office of Environmental Management (EM) memorandum, subject: Implementation of Pre-Approved Authorized Limits for Release and Clearance of Volumetric Radioactivity of Personal Property at EM Sites(link to memorandum on bullet title) The EM memorandum clarifies and add certain requirements for implementation of the pre-approved volumetric ALs at EM sites. Memorandum issued based upon Office of the Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety and Security (AU) recently issued pre-approved ALs for Release and Clearance of Volumetric Radioactivity of Personal Property.
Documents related to the moratorium and suspension of the release of metals at DOE Sites.