Learn about EERE's Advanced Manufacturing Office and specific examples of how its work is advancing hydrogen and fuel cell manufacturing technologies.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
September 14, 2020Join the H2IQ Hour on September 29, 2020, at 12 p.m. ET to learn more about EERE's Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) and specific examples of how its work is advancing hydrogen and fuel cell manufacturing technologies. AMO holds a unique place among the EERE technology offices as the only office wholly dedicated to addressing R&D challenges specific to U.S. manufacturers. AMO activities focus on pioneering new materials, processes, and information technologies that bolster the energy and material efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness of manufacturers across the industrial sector.
The H2IQ Hour will highlight R&D efforts that address AMO's and HFTO's shared mission space, including recently selected H2@Scale projects focused on improving manufacturing processes for hydrogen production technologies. AMO technology managers will also discuss other R&D projects that address key crosscutting challenges and barriers associated with electrolyzers, advanced composite materials for compressed hydrogen gas storage, roll-to-roll processes, and others. The presentation will consider future opportunities for collaboration between the advanced manufacturing and the fuel cells R&D communities.
The H2IQ Hour will include a 45-minute live presentation, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. A recording of the H2IQ Hour will be available on the website after the event.