Media Type: Video

Embed Video Media to add relevant visual multimedia.

CMS Support

August 5, 2020
minute read time

Important note about Adding Videos

Adding Youtube/ Social Media Videos must be done through Manage Menu > Media > Add Media, and cannot be created while in a node's Layout.


Want a Playlist?

You can embed a YouTube Playlist same as a regular link, just look for the watch playlist link from YouTube, formatted like

Video Url
Example YouTube Playlist
US Department of Energy

Use the Video Media Type to embed YouTube, FaceBook, and Twitter videos with a caption and attribution on your node.

How to Create New Videos:


  1. Select Add Video under the Content - Add Media option of the shortcut bar 
  2. Add the Video Name. 
  3. Enter the Summary Text.
  4. Choose one of the following:
    1. Select Video to upload by selecting the Choose File button on the Video File box. One file only. 60 MB limit. Allowed types: mov qt mp4 avi plb psb pvb tcap fli mpeg ogg m3u8 webm flv m4v mka mng asf wm wmv wmx wvx movie.
    2. Enter Video URL in the URL field. 
  5. Enter Caption. 
  6. Enter Attribution.
  7. Select the Primary Office under Office Assignments.  
  8. Click save to successfully add your Video.

(Click here for information on how to Add Media to your Content Node)


  1. Select Add Video under the Content - Add Media option of the shortcut bar 
  2. Add the Video Name
  3. Optional: Enter a Short Title. The short title displays as the link text when the node is referenced in a listing (static or dynamic).
  4. Enter the Summary Text.
  5. Optional: Add Alternative Thumbnail. You may provide an optional image that will be used as a thumbnail or background image. 
  6. Optional: Select Display Date and Time. 
  7. Optional: Enter Body information. 
  8. Choose one of the following:
    1. Select Video to upload by selecting the Choose File button on the Video File box. One file only. 60 MB limit. Allowed types: mov qt mp4 avi plb psb pvb tcap fli mpeg ogg m3u8 webm flv m4v mka mng asf wm wmv wmx wvx movie.
    2. Enter Video URL in the URL field. 
  9. Optional: Enter Video ID. 
  10. Enter Caption
  11. Enter Attribution.
  12. Optional: Enter Description. 
  13. Optional: Enter Start Time by selecting the number of seconds. 
  14. Optional: Enter End time by selecting number of seconds. 
  15. Optional: Enter Duration. 
  16. Optional: Enter Credit.
  17. Optional: Enter Speakers.
  18. Optional: Enter URL for Slides in the URL field. Start typing the title of a piece of content to select it. You can also enter an internal path such as /node/add or an external URL such as Enter <front> to link to the front page. Enter <nolink> to display link text only.
  19. Optional: Enter Link text for slides in the Link text field. 
  20. Optional: Enter Transcript. 
  21. Optional: Enter taxonomy term(s) as appropriate.  
    1. (Click here for more information about taxonomy)
  22. Select the Primary Office under Office Assignments if prompted.  
  23. Optional: Edit the Revision Information, URL alias, and Authoring Information as necessary.
  24. Click save to successfully add your Video. 


Any Questions, Comments, or Requests?

Contact us at [email protected]